;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ;;; Copyright © 2023 Giacomo Leidi (define-module (nonguix build-system chromium-binary) #:use-module (gnu packages bash) #:use-module (gnu packages compression) #:use-module (gnu packages cups) #:use-module (gnu packages databases) #:use-module (gnu packages fontutils) #:use-module (gnu packages gcc) #:use-module (gnu packages gl) #:use-module (gnu packages glib) #:use-module (gnu packages gnome) #:use-module (gnu packages gtk) #:use-module (gnu packages kerberos) #:use-module (gnu packages linux) #:use-module (gnu packages nss) #:use-module (gnu packages pulseaudio) #:use-module (gnu packages xdisorg) #:use-module (gnu packages xorg) #:use-module (gnu packages xml) #:use-module (guix store) #:use-module (guix utils) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module (guix monads) #:use-module (guix derivations) #:use-module (guix search-paths) #:use-module (guix build-system) #:use-module (guix build-system gnu) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (nonguix build-system binary) #:use-module (nonguix utils) #:export (%chromium-binary-build-system-modules lower chromium-binary-build chromium-binary-build-system)) ;; Commentary: ;; ;; Standard build procedure for Chromium based binary packages. This is ;; implemented as an extension of `binary-build-system'. ;; ;; Code: (define %chromium-binary-build-system-modules ;; Build-side modules imported by default. `((nonguix build chromium-binary-build-system) (nonguix build utils) ,@%binary-build-system-modules)) (define (build-patchelf-plan wrapper-plan inputs) #~(let ((patchelf-inputs (list #$@(map car inputs)))) (map (lambda (file) (cons file (list patchelf-inputs))) #$wrapper-plan))) (define* (lower name #:key source inputs native-inputs outputs system target (patchelf (default-patchelf)) (glibc (default-glibc)) #:allow-other-keys #:rest arguments) "Return a bag for NAME." (define private-keywords '(#:target #:patchelf #:inputs #:native-inputs)) (define host-inputs `(,@(if source `(("source" ,source)) '()) ("alsa-lib" ,alsa-lib) ("atk" ,atk) ("at-spi2-atk" ,at-spi2-atk) ("at-spi2-core" ,at-spi2-core) ("bash-minimal" ,bash-minimal) ("cairo" ,cairo) ("cups" ,cups) ("dbus" ,dbus) ("eudev" ,eudev) ("expat" ,expat) ("fontconfig" ,fontconfig) ("freetype" ,freetype) ("gcc:lib" ,gcc "lib") ("glib" ,glib) ("gtk+" ,gtk+) ("libdrm" ,libdrm) ("libnotify" ,libnotify) ("librsvg" ,librsvg) ("libsecret" ,libsecret) ("libx11" ,libx11) ("libxcb" ,libxcb) ("libxcomposite" ,libxcomposite) ("libxcursor" ,libxcursor) ("libxdamage" ,libxdamage) ("libxext" ,libxext) ("libxfixes" ,libxfixes) ("libxi" ,libxi) ("libxkbcommon" ,libxkbcommon) ("libxkbfile" ,libxkbfile) ("libxrandr" ,libxrandr) ("libxrender" ,libxrender) ("libxshmfence" ,libxshmfence) ("libxtst" ,libxtst) ("mesa" ,mesa) ("mit-krb5" ,mit-krb5) ("nspr" ,nspr) ("nss" ,nss) ("pango" ,pango) ("pulseaudio" ,pulseaudio) ("sqlcipher" ,sqlcipher) ("xcb-util" ,xcb-util) ("xcb-util-image" ,xcb-util-image) ("xcb-util-keysyms" ,xcb-util-keysyms) ("xcb-util-renderutil" ,xcb-util-renderutil) ("xcb-util-wm" ,xcb-util-wm) ("zlib" ,zlib) ,@inputs ;; Keep the standard inputs of 'gnu-build-system'. ,@(standard-packages))) (and (not target) ;XXX: no cross-compilation (bag (name name) (system system) (host-inputs host-inputs) (build-inputs `(("patchelf" ,patchelf) ,@native-inputs ;; If current system is i686, the *32 packages will be the ;; same as the non-32, but that's OK. ("libc32" ,(to32 glibc)))) (outputs outputs) (build chromium-binary-build) (arguments (append (strip-keyword-arguments private-keywords arguments) (list #:wrap-inputs host-inputs)))))) (define* (chromium-binary-build name inputs #:key guile source wrap-inputs (outputs '("out")) (wrapper-plan ''()) (patchelf-plan ''()) (install-plan ''(("." "./"))) (search-paths '()) (out-of-source? #t) (validate-runpath? #t) (patch-shebangs? #t) (strip-binaries? #t) (strip-flags ''("--strip-debug")) (strip-directories ''("lib" "lib64" "libexec" "bin" "sbin")) (phases '(@ (nonguix build chromium-binary-build-system) %standard-phases)) (system (%current-system)) (imported-modules %chromium-binary-build-system-modules) (modules '((nonguix build chromium-binary-build-system) (guix build utils) (nonguix build utils))) (substitutable? #t) allowed-references disallowed-references) "Build SOURCE using binary-build-system." (define builder (with-imported-modules imported-modules #~(begin (use-modules #$@modules) #$(with-build-variables inputs outputs #~(chromium-binary-build #:source #+source #:system #$system #:outputs %outputs #:inputs %build-inputs #:patchelf-plan #$(if (equal? wrapper-plan ''()) patchelf-plan (build-patchelf-plan wrapper-plan wrap-inputs)) #:install-plan #$install-plan #:search-paths '#$(map search-path-specification->sexp search-paths) #:phases #$phases #:out-of-source? #$out-of-source? #:validate-runpath? #$validate-runpath? #:patch-shebangs? #$patch-shebangs? #:strip-binaries? #$strip-binaries? #:strip-flags #$strip-flags #:strip-directories #$strip-directories))))) (mlet %store-monad ((guile (package->derivation (or guile (default-guile)) system #:graft? #f))) (gexp->derivation name builder #:system system #:target #f #:substitutable? substitutable? #:allowed-references allowed-references #:disallowed-references disallowed-references #:guile-for-build guile))) (define chromium-binary-build-system (build-system (name 'chromium-binary) (description "The Chromium based binary build system") (lower lower))) ;;; chromium-binary.scm ends here