diff options
authorVivien Kraus <>2021-03-19 16:59:39 +0100
committerVivien Kraus <>2021-03-22 20:22:35 +0100
commitb885294b77a5bc22d5681b0cd0f219acd08a662e (patch)
Initial commit
7 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/R/strats.R b/R/strats.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b22d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/strats.R
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+#' @useDynLib strats strats_compute_laplacian_matrix_product
+strats_laplacian_matrix_product <- function (temporal_dependency, X) {
+ out <- matrix (0, nrow (X), ncol (X))
+ n <- as.integer (nrow (X))
+ d <- as.integer (ncol (X))
+ temporal_dependency <- as.numeric (temporal_dependency)
+ omega <- as.integer (length (temporal_dependency))
+ x <- as.numeric (X)
+ .C (strats_compute_laplacian_matrix_product,
+ n, d, omega, temporal_dependency, x, out)[[6]]
+## Check the matrix product
+check_matrix_product <- function () {
+ X <- matrix (rnorm (24), 6, 4)
+ temporal_dependency <- c (0.5, 0.2, 0.1)
+ M <- matrix (0, 6, 6)
+ for (omega in 0:3) {
+ mij <- 1
+ if (omega > 0) {
+ mij <- temporal_dependency[omega]
+ }
+ for (i in 1:6) {
+ j_plus <- i + omega
+ j_minus <- i - omega
+ if (j_plus <= 6) {
+ M[i, j_plus] <- mij
+ }
+ if (j_minus >= 1) {
+ M[i, j_minus] <- mij
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ D <- diag (rowSums (M), 6, 6)
+ L <- D - M
+ Y <- L %*% X
+ Yhat <- strats_laplacian_matrix_product (temporal_dependency, X)
+ stopifnot (nrow (Yhat) == nrow (Y))
+ stopifnot (ncol (Yhat) == ncol (Y))
+ stopifnot (max (abs (Yhat - Y)) < 1e-8)
+#' Compute the STRATS loss
+#' @param T_normal a normal subset of the time series
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param alpha the global detection regularizer
+#' @param beta the residual analysis regularizer
+#' @param gamma the contextual detection regularizer
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param W the reconstruction matrix
+#' @param R the residual matrix
+#' @return the loss
+#' @export
+strats_loss <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R) {
+ non_residual <- R - T
+ (sum ((T - crossprod (W, T_normal) - R) ^ 2)
+ + alpha * sum (sqrt (rowSums (W ^ 2)))
+ + beta * sum (sqrt (rowSums (R ^ 2)))
+ + gamma * sum (non_residual * strats_laplacian_matrix_product (dependency, non_residual)))
+#' Compute the STRATS gradient wrt W
+#' @param T_normal a normal subset of the time series
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param alpha the global detection regularizer
+#' @param beta the residual analysis regularizer
+#' @param gamma the contextual detection regularizer
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param W the reconstruction matrix
+#' @param R the residual matrix
+#' @return the gradient wrt W
+#' @export
+strats_gradient_w <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R) {
+ Dw <- 1 / (2 * sqrt (rowSums (W ^ 2)))
+ Dw[!is.finite (Dw)] <- 0
+ M <- tcrossprod (T_normal)
+ diag (M) <- diag (M) + alpha * Dw
+ 2 * (M %*% W - tcrossprod (T_normal, T) + tcrossprod (T_normal, R))
+#' Compute the STRATS gradient wrt R
+#' @param T_normal a normal subset of the time series
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param alpha the global detection regularizer
+#' @param beta the residual analysis regularizer
+#' @param gamma the contextual detection regularizer
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param W the reconstruction matrix
+#' @param R the residual matrix
+#' @return the gradient wrt R
+#' @export
+strats_gradient_r <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R) {
+ Dr <- 1 / (2 * sqrt (rowSums (R ^ 2)))
+ Dr[!is.finite (Dr)] <- 0
+ 2 * (crossprod (W, T_normal) - T + R + beta * sweep (R, 1, Dr, `*`) + gamma * strats_laplacian_matrix_product (dependency, R - T))
+gradient_error <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R) {
+ gW <- matrix (0, nrow (T_normal), nrow (T))
+ gR <- matrix (0, nrow (T), ncol (T))
+ for (i in 1:nrow (T_normal)) {
+ for (j in 1:nrow (T)) {
+ W_minus <- W
+ W_plus <- W
+ W_minus[i, j] <- W_minus[i, j] - 1e-4
+ W_plus[i, j] <- W_plus[i, j] + 1e-4
+ l_minus <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ W_minus, R)
+ l_plus <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ W_plus, R)
+ gW[i, j] <- (l_plus - l_minus) / (2 * 1e-4)
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in 1:nrow (T)) {
+ for (j in 1:ncol (T)) {
+ R_minus <- R
+ R_plus <- R
+ R_minus[i, j] <- R_minus[i, j] - 1e-4
+ R_plus[i, j] <- R_plus[i, j] + 1e-4
+ l_minus <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ W, R_minus)
+ l_plus <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ W, R_plus)
+ gR[i, j] <- (l_plus - l_minus) / (2 * 1e-4)
+ }
+ }
+ gW_true <- strats_gradient_w (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ gR_true <- strats_gradient_r (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ max (max (abs (gW - gW_true)), max (abs (gR - gR_true)))
+check_gradient <- function () {
+ set.seed (1)
+ for (i in 1:100) {
+ n <- 100
+ n_train <- 25
+ d <- 10
+ dependency <- c (0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001)
+ T_normal <- matrix (rnorm (n_train * d), n_train, d)
+ T <- matrix (rnorm (n * d), n, d)
+ W <- matrix (rnorm (n_train * n), n_train, n)
+ R <- matrix (rnorm (n * d), n, d)
+ stopifnot (gradient_error (T_normal, T, 1000, 1000, 1000, dependency, W, R)
+ <= 1e-4)
+ }
+#' Check that the step size is adapted.
+#' @param T_normal a normal subset of the time series
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param alpha the global detection regularizer
+#' @param beta the residual analysis regularizer
+#' @param gamma the contextual detection regularizer
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param W the reconstruction matrix
+#' @param R the residual matrix
+#' @param gW the gradient wrt W at W
+#' @param gR the gradient wrt R at R
+#' @param step_w the step size for W (may be 0 to only update R)
+#' @param step_r the step size for R (may be 0 to only update W)
+#' @param loss_value the loss value at (W, R)
+#' @return whether the step sizes for W and R are correct
+#' @export
+armijo <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step_w, step_r, loss_value) {
+ nxt_w <- W - step_w * gW
+ nxt_r <- R - step_r * gR
+ loss_next <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, nxt_w, nxt_r)
+ loss_limit <- (loss_value
+ + sum ((nxt_w - W) * gW)
+ + sum ((nxt_r - R) * gR)
+ + ifelse (step_w == 0, 0, 0.5 * sum ((nxt_w - W) ^ 2) / step_w)
+ + ifelse (step_r == 0, 0, 0.5 * sum ((nxt_r - R) ^ 2) / step_r))
+ (loss_next <= loss_limit)
+line_search_w <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step, loss_value) {
+ if (armijo (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step, 0, loss_value)) {
+ step
+ } else {
+ line_search_w (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step / 2, loss_value)
+ }
+line_search_r <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step, loss_value) {
+ if (armijo (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, 0, step, loss_value)) {
+ step
+ } else {
+ line_search_r (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step / 2, loss_value)
+ }
+strats_iteration <- function (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ loss_value = NULL,
+ W = NULL, R = NULL, step_w = NULL, step_r = NULL) {
+ if (is.null (W)) {
+ W <- diag (1, nrow (T_normal), nrow (T))
+ row.names (W) <- row.names (T_normal)
+ colnames (W) <- row.names (T)
+ }
+ if (is.null (R)) {
+ R <- matrix (0, nrow (T), ncol (T))
+ row.names (R) <- row.names (T)
+ colnames (R) <- colnames (T)
+ }
+ if (is.null (loss_value)) {
+ loss_value <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ }
+ if (is.null (step_w)) {
+ step_w <- 1
+ }
+ if (is.null (step_r)) {
+ step_r <- 1
+ }
+ ## Optimize W:
+ gW <- strats_gradient_w (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ gR <- matrix (0, nrow (T), ncol (T))
+ step_w <- line_search_w (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step_w, loss_value)
+ W <- W - step_w * gW
+ loss_value <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ ## Optimize R:
+ gW <- matrix (0, nrow (T_normal), nrow (T))
+ gR <- strats_gradient_r (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ step_r <- line_search_r (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R, gW, gR, step_r, loss_value)
+ R <- R - step_r * gR
+ loss_value <- strats_loss (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, W, R)
+ list (loss_value = loss_value,
+ W = W, R = R, step_w = step_w, step_r = step_r)
+strats_sample <- function (T, n_points) {
+ i <- ceiling (nrow (T) * ((1:n_points) / n_points))
+ T[i,, drop = FALSE]
+#' Apply the STRATS algorithm.
+#' The algorithm uses a normal time series, it is either passed as
+#' T_normal, or sampled from T with n_normal points.
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param alpha the global detection regularizer
+#' @param beta the residual analysis regularizer
+#' @param gamma the contextual detection regularizer
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param T_normal a time series with normal data
+#' @param n_normal the number of normal points to sample
+#' @param maxiter how many gradient descent iterations to make
+#' @return the STRATS model, as a list with key 'anomalies' bound to a
+#' tibble with 'observation' (the index in T), 'score' (the
+#' anomaly score) and 'rank' (the anomaly rank).
+#' @export
+strats <- function (T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ T_normal = NULL,
+ n_normal = NULL,
+ maxiter = 100) {
+ if (is.null (T_normal)
+ && is.null (n_normal)) {
+ stop ("Either pas n_normal, the number of samples to take for normal, or pass T_normal")
+ }
+ if (is.null (T_normal)) {
+ T_normal <- strats_sample (T, n_normal)
+ }
+ T <- as.matrix (T)
+ T_normal <- as.matrix (T_normal)
+ dependency <- c (dependency)
+ stopifnot (is.finite (alpha))
+ stopifnot (is.finite (beta))
+ stopifnot (is.finite (gamma))
+ stopifnot (alpha >= 0)
+ stopifnot (beta >= 0)
+ stopifnot (gamma >= 0)
+ stopifnot (all (is.finite (dependency)))
+ stopifnot (all (dependency >= 0))
+ stopifnot (all (is.finite (T)))
+ stopifnot (all (is.finite (T_normal)))
+ stopifnot (ncol (T) == ncol (T_normal))
+ model <- list ()
+ for (i in 1:maxiter) {
+ last_loss <- model$loss_value
+ model <- strats_iteration (T_normal, T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ model$loss_value,
+ model$W, model$R, model$step_w, model$step_r)
+ if (!is.null (last_loss)) {
+ stopifnot (model$loss_value <= last_loss)
+ }
+ }
+ model$anomalies <- (tibble::tibble (observation = seq_len (nrow (model$R)),
+ score = rowSums (model$R ^ 2))
+ %>% dplyr::arrange (-score)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (rank = seq_len (nrow (model$R))))
+ model
+#' Test a configuration for STRATS with synthetic anomaly injection
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param alpha the global detection regularizer
+#' @param beta the residual analysis regularizer
+#' @param gamma the contextual detection regularizer
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param T_normal a time series with normal data
+#' @param n_normal the number of normal points to sample
+#' @param maxiter how many gradient descent iterations to make
+#' @return the mean rank of the injected anomalies. Lower is better.
+#' @export
+strats_test <- function (T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ T_normal = NULL,
+ n_normal = NULL,
+ maxiter = 100) {
+ ## Inject 1 anomaly, learn STRATS, and check the rank of the
+ ## anomaly. Repeat 10 times with different anomalies. Return the
+ ## mean.
+ (mean, lapply (1:10, function (seed) {
+ set.seed (seed)
+ i_base <- sample (seq_len (nrow (T)), 1)
+ i_anomaly <- sample (seq_len (nrow (T)), 1)
+ which_swapped <- sample (seq_len (ncol (T)), ceiling (ncol (T) / 2))
+ t <- T[i_anomaly,]
+ t_base <- T[i_base,]
+ t[which_swapped] <- t_base[which_swapped]
+ T[i_anomaly,] <- t
+ model <- strats (T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ T_normal = T_normal, n_normal = n_normal,
+ maxiter = maxiter)
+ (model$anomalies
+ %>% dplyr::filter (observation == i_anomaly))$rank[1]
+ }))
+#' Tune STRATS with synthetic anomalies
+#' @param T the time series
+#' @param dependency a vector giving the temporal dependency between
+#' an observation and the next observations (the temporal
+#' dependency is symmetric)
+#' @param T_normal a time series with normal data
+#' @param n_normal the number of normal points to sample
+#' @param maxiter how many gradient descent iterations to make
+#' @return a tibble, with columns alpha, beta, gamma, and error (the error
+#' on synthetic anomalies).
+#' @export
+strats_tune <- function (T, dependency,
+ T_normal = NULL,
+ n_normal = NULL,
+ maxiter = 100) {
+ set.seed (1)
+ (rbind, lapply (1:20, function (seed) {
+ set.seed (seed)
+ alpha <- signif (10^runif (1, -3, 3), 1)
+ beta <- signif (10^runif (1, -3, 3), 1)
+ gamma <- signif (10^runif (1, -3, 3), 1)
+ error <- strats_test (T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency,
+ T_normal = T_normal,
+ n_normal = n_normal,
+ maxiter = maxiter)
+ tibble::tibble (alpha = alpha, beta = beta, gamma = gamma,
+ error = error)
+ }))
diff --git a/bootstrap b/bootstrap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e5ddb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+git_version <- tryCatch ({
+ readLines (".tarball-version")
+}, error = function (cond) {
+ ""
+parts <- strsplit (git_version, "-", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+tag <- parts[1]
+commit <- NA
+if (length (parts) > 1) {
+ commit <- 9000 + as.numeric (parts[2])
+r_version <- tag
+if (! (commit)) {
+ r_version <- sprintf ("%s.%d", tag, commit)
+library ("devtools")
+writeLines (c (
+ "Package: strats",
+ "Type: Package",
+ "Title: Semi-supervised Transductive Residual Analysis of Time Series",
+ sprintf ("Version: %s", r_version),
+ "Author: Vivien Kraus <>",
+ "Maintainer: Vivien Kraus <>",
+ "Description: Implementation of for anomaly detection.",
+ "License: Proprietary",
+ "LazyData: true"),
+use_namespace (roxygen = TRUE)
+document ()
+load_all ()
+check_matrix_product ()
+check_gradient ()
+build ()
diff --git a/inst/bin/strats b/inst/bin/strats
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..13e5994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/bin/strats
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+files <- commandArgs (trailingOnly = TRUE)
+`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+for (f in files) {
+ n_train <- basename (f)
+ splits <- strsplit (n_train, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+ if (length (splits) != 2) {
+ cat (sprintf ("Skipping file %s.\n", f), file = stderr ())
+ next
+ }
+ n_train <- splits[1]
+ n_train <- as.numeric (rev (strsplit (n_train, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])[1])
+ if ( (n_train)) {
+ cat (sprintf ("Skipping file %s.\n", f), file = stderr ())
+ next
+ }
+ data <- as.matrix (readr::read_csv (f, col_names = FALSE))
+ n <- nrow (data)
+ if (ncol (data) == 1) {
+ data <- cbind (data, data ^ 2, c (data[n], data[1:(n - 1)]))
+ }
+ data <- scale (data)
+ dependency <- exp (-0.1 * 1:100)
+ T_normal <- data[seq_len (n_train),, drop = FALSE]
+ T <- data[n_train - 1 + seq_len (nrow (data) - n_train),, drop = FALSE]
+ if (nrow (T_normal) > 1000) {
+ i <- ceiling (nrow (T_normal) * ((1:1000) / 1000))
+ T_normal <- T_normal[i,, drop = FALSE]
+ }
+ tuning <- (strats::strats_tune (T, dependency, T_normal)
+ %>% dplyr::arrange (error))
+ alpha <- tuning$alpha[1]
+ beta <- tuning$beta[1]
+ gamma <- tuning$gamma[1]
+ model <- strats::strats (T, alpha, beta, gamma, dependency, T_normal)
+ cat (sprintf ("%s: %s (%g, %g, %g)\n", f,
+ model$anomalies$observation[1],
+ alpha, beta, gamma))
diff --git a/src/Makevars b/src/Makevars
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3513b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makevars
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/strats.c b/src/strats.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c5ce53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/strats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static inline void
+product (size_t n,
+ size_t omega,
+ const double *restrict temporal_dependency,
+ const double *restrict vector,
+ double *restrict out)
+ size_t i;
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ size_t j;
+ out[i] = 0;
+ /* Backward: */
+ for (j = 0; j < omega; j++)
+ {
+ if (i > j)
+ {
+ const double x = vector[i - j - 1];
+ const double coefficient = temporal_dependency[j];
+ out[i] += coefficient * (vector[i] - x);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Forward: */
+ for (j = 0; j < omega; j++)
+ {
+ if (i + j + 1 < n)
+ {
+ const double x = vector[i + j + 1];
+ const double coefficient = temporal_dependency[j];
+ out[i] += coefficient * (vector[i] - x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+strats_compute_laplacian_matrix_product (int *n,
+ int *d,
+ int *omega,
+ double *temporal_dependency,
+ double *x,
+ double *out)
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < *d; j++)
+ {
+ product (*n, *omega, temporal_dependency, x + j * (*n), out + j * (*n));
+ }
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-gradients.R b/tests/testthat/test-gradients.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d93a09f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-gradients.R
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+test_that ("The gradient is correct", {
+ check_gradient ()
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-product.R b/tests/testthat/test-product.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f01e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-product.R
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+test_that ("The Laplacian matrix product is correct", {
+ check_matrix_product ()