for version ,

This is the manual of webid-oidc (version , ), an implementation of the Solid authentication protocol for guile, client and server.

Copyright 2020, 2021 Vivien Kraus

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''

Vivien Kraus Software libraries Decentralized Authentication on the Web.

Decentralized Authentication on the Web

Authentication on the web is currently handled in the following way: anyone can install a server that will authenticate users on the web. The problem is interoperability. If a client (an application) wants to authenticate a user, it has to be approved by the authentication server. In other words, if useful-program wants to authenticate MegaCorp users, then useful-program has to register to MegaCorp first, and get approved. This goes against the principle of permission-less innovation, which is at the heart of the web.

In the decentralized authentication web, the best attempt so far is that of ActivityPub. All servers are interoperable with respect to authentication: if user A emits an activity, it is forwarded by A's server to its recipients, and A's server is responsible for A's identity.

The problem with that approach is that the data is tied to the application. It is not possible to use another application to process the data differently, or to use multiple data sources, in an interoperable way (without the ActivityPub server knowing). This means that on Activitypub, microblogging applications will not present different activities correctly. This also means that it is difficult to write a free replacement to a non-free application program, because it would need to manage the data.

In the Solid ecosystem, there is a clear distinction between servers and applications. An application is free to read data from all places at the same time, using a permission-less authentication system. Since the applications do not need to store data, the cost of having users is neglectible, so users do not need prior approval before using them (making captchas and the like a thing of the past). Servers do not have a say in which applications the user uses.

The authentication used is a slight modification of the well-established OpenID Connect. It is intended to work in a web browser, but this package demonstrates that it also works without a web browser.

The Json Web Token

The Json Web Token, or JWT, is a terse representation of a pair of JSON objects: the header, and the payload. The JWT can be encoded as a Json Web Signature (JWS), in which case the header is encoded to base64 with the URL alphabet, and without padding characters, the payload is also encoded to base64, and the concatenation of the encoding of the header, a dot, and the encoding of the payload is signed with some cryptography algorithm. In the following, we will only be interested by public-key cryptography. The concatenation of header, dot, payload, dot and signature in base64 is the encoding of the JWT.

What if something goes wrong?

The library will raise an exception whenever something fishy occurs. For instance, if a signature is invalid, or the expiration date has passed. All exception types are defined in (webid-oidc errors).

Return a string explaining the error. You can limit the depth of the explanation as an integer.

This exception is raised when the base64 decoding function failed. value is the incorrect input, and cause is a low-level error.

The identifier crv does not identify an elliptic curve.

value does not identify a JWK.

value does not identify a valid hash algorithm.

GNU Free Documentation License
