#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* not HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _(s) dgettext (PACKAGE, s) struct webid_oidc_random_context { struct yarrow256_ctx ctx; enum webid_oidc_random_context_spawn_flags flags; enum webid_oidc_random_context_state state; unsigned int state_progress; uint8_t seed[YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE]; mtx_t mutex; }; struct webid_oidc_random_context * webid_oidc_random_context_alloc (void) { struct webid_oidc_random_context *ret = malloc (sizeof (struct webid_oidc_random_context)); if (ret && mtx_init (&(ret->mutex), mtx_plain) != thrd_success) { free (ret); ret = NULL; } if (ret) { yarrow256_init (&(ret->ctx), 0, NULL); ret->flags = 0; ret->state = WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_LOCK_FILE; } return ret; } void webid_oidc_random_context_free (struct webid_oidc_random_context *ctx) { if (ctx) { mtx_destroy (&(ctx->mutex)); } free (ctx); } enum webid_oidc_random_context_state webid_oidc_random_context_get_state (const struct webid_oidc_random_context *ctx) { return ctx->state; } int webid_oidc_random_context_get_wait_bytes (const struct webid_oidc_random_context *ctx, size_t max, size_t start, uint8_t * bytes, size_t *n_bytes) { if (ctx->state == WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_WRITE) { if (start >= YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE) { *n_bytes = 0; } else { if (max + start > YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE) { max = YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE - start; } memcpy (bytes, ctx->seed + start, max); *n_bytes = YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE - start; } return 1; } return 0; } int webid_oidc_random_context_ok (struct webid_oidc_random_context *ctx) { switch (ctx->state) { case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_LOCK_FILE: ctx->state = WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_READ; ctx->state_progress = 0; break; case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_WRITE: ctx->state = WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_UNLOCK_FILE; break; case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_UNLOCK_FILE: ctx->state = WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_READY; break; default: return 0; } return 1; } int webid_oidc_random_context_bytes (struct webid_oidc_random_context *ctx, size_t n_bytes, const uint8_t * bytes) { switch (ctx->state) { case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_READ: if (n_bytes >= (YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE - ctx->state_progress)) { n_bytes = (YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE - ctx->state_progress); } memcpy (ctx->seed + ctx->state_progress, bytes, n_bytes); ctx->state_progress += n_bytes; if (ctx->state_progress == YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE) { yarrow256_seed (&(ctx->ctx), YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE, ctx->seed); yarrow256_random (&(ctx->ctx), YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE, ctx->seed); ctx->state = WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_WRITE; } break; default: return 0; } return 1; } int webid_oidc_random_context_spawn (struct webid_oidc_random_context *parent, struct webid_oidc_random_context *child, enum webid_oidc_random_context_spawn_flags flags) { if (!webid_oidc_random_context_get (parent, YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE, child->seed)) { return 0; } child->flags = flags; child->state = WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_READY; yarrow256_seed (&(child->ctx), YARROW256_SEED_FILE_SIZE, child->seed); return 1; } int webid_oidc_random_context_get (struct webid_oidc_random_context *ctx, size_t request_size, uint8_t * data) { if (ctx->state == WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_READY) { if (!(ctx->flags & WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_THREAD_UNSAFE)) { if (mtx_lock (&(ctx->mutex)) != thrd_success) { assert (0); } } yarrow256_random (&(ctx->ctx), request_size, data); if (!(ctx->flags & WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_THREAD_UNSAFE)) { if (mtx_unlock (&(ctx->mutex)) != thrd_success) { assert (0); } } } return (ctx->state == WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_READY); } static struct webid_oidc_random_context *global_ctx = NULL; void webid_oidc_random_init (void) { char *cache_dir, *pkg_cache_dir, *filename; char *home = getenv ("HOME"); char *xdg_cache_home = getenv ("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); char *application = getenv ("WEBID_OIDC_APPLICATION_NAME"); static const char *default_application = PACKAGE; FILE *seed_file; FILE *system_rng_file; struct flock lock; if (global_ctx) { webid_oidc_random_context_free (global_ctx); global_ctx = NULL; } global_ctx = webid_oidc_random_context_alloc (); if (!global_ctx) { fprintf (stderr, _("Could not set the global random generator up.\n")); abort (); } if (!application) { application = (char *) default_application; } if (xdg_cache_home) { cache_dir = malloc (strlen (xdg_cache_home) + 1); if (!cache_dir) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Could not set the global random generator up: out of memory.\n")); abort (); } strcpy (cache_dir, xdg_cache_home); } else if (home) { cache_dir = malloc (strlen (home) + strlen ("/.cache") + 1); if (!cache_dir) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Could not set the global random generator up: out of memory.\n")); abort (); } strcpy (cache_dir, home); strcat (cache_dir, "/.cache"); } else { cache_dir = malloc (strlen ("/var/cache") + 1); if (!cache_dir) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Could not set the global random generator up: out of memory.\n")); abort (); } strcpy (cache_dir, "/var/cache"); } pkg_cache_dir = malloc (strlen (cache_dir) + strlen ("/") + strlen (application) + 1); if (!pkg_cache_dir) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Could not set the global random generator up: out of memory.\n")); abort (); } strcpy (pkg_cache_dir, cache_dir); strcat (pkg_cache_dir, "/"); strcat (pkg_cache_dir, application); filename = malloc (strlen (pkg_cache_dir) + strlen ("/seed") + 1); if (!filename) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Could not set the global random generator up: out of memory.\n")); abort (); } strcpy (filename, pkg_cache_dir); strcat (filename, "/seed"); seed_file = fopen (filename, "r+"); if (!seed_file) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Warning: could not open the seed file, maybe the parent directory is missing...\n")); if (mkdir (cache_dir, 0777) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Warning: could not create the cache directory '%s'.\n"), cache_dir); perror (_("when creating the cache directory")); } if (mkdir (pkg_cache_dir, 0777) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Warning: could not create the package cache directory '%s'.\n"), pkg_cache_dir); perror (_("when creating the package cache directory")); } seed_file = fopen (filename, "w+"); } if (!seed_file) { fprintf (stderr, _("Could not open the seed file '%s'.\n"), filename); perror (_("when opening the seed file")); abort (); } system_rng_file = fopen ("/dev/random", "r"); while (global_ctx->state != WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_READY) { int error; int c; uint8_t byte = 0; size_t i, n; switch (global_ctx->state) { case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_LOCK_FILE: lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_len = 0; error = fcntl (fileno (seed_file), F_SETLKW, &lock); if (error != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Could not lock the seed file '%s'.\n"), filename); perror (_("when locking the seed file")); abort (); } if (!webid_oidc_random_context_ok (global_ctx)) { assert (0); } break; case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_READ: c = fgetc (seed_file); if (c == EOF && system_rng_file == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Warning: the seed file '%s' is too short. This weakens the random number generator. Please write more random data in it.\n"), filename); } else if (c == EOF) { c = fgetc (system_rng_file); } byte = c; if (!webid_oidc_random_context_bytes (global_ctx, 1, &byte)) { assert (0); } break; case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_FILE_WRITE: if (fseek (seed_file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Could not update the seed file '%s'.\n"), filename); perror (_("when rewinding the seed file")); abort (); } if (!webid_oidc_random_context_get_wait_bytes (global_ctx, 0, 0, NULL, &n)) { assert (0); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { size_t remaining; if (!webid_oidc_random_context_get_wait_bytes (global_ctx, 1, i, &byte, &remaining)) { assert (0); } assert (i + remaining == n); fputc (byte, seed_file); } if (!webid_oidc_random_context_ok (global_ctx)) { assert (0); } break; case WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_WAIT_UNLOCK_FILE: lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_len = 0; error = fcntl (fileno (seed_file), F_SETLKW, &lock); if (error != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Could not unlock the seed file '%s'.\n"), filename); perror (_("when unlocking the seed file")); abort (); } if (!webid_oidc_random_context_ok (global_ctx)) { assert (0); } break; default: assert (0); } } fclose (seed_file); fclose (system_rng_file); } void webid_oidc_random (size_t request_size, uint8_t * data) { static _Thread_local struct webid_oidc_random_context *thrd_ctx = NULL; if (thrd_ctx == NULL) { assert (global_ctx); thrd_ctx = webid_oidc_random_context_alloc (); if (thrd_ctx == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("Could not set the thread-local random generator up.\n")); abort (); } if (!webid_oidc_random_context_spawn (global_ctx, thrd_ctx, WEBID_OIDC_RANDOM_CONTEXT_THREAD_UNSAFE)) { fprintf (stderr, _ ("The random module has not been initialized. Please call webid_oidc_random_init first.\n")); abort (); } } if (!webid_oidc_random_context_get (thrd_ctx, request_size, data)) { assert (0); } }