path: root/images/lsmrrsmsapprentissage.svg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'images/lsmrrsmsapprentissage.svg')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/images/lsmrrsmsapprentissage.svg b/images/lsmrrsmsapprentissage.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..766a2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmrrsmsapprentissage.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
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+ 1) RSMS
+ </text>
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+ <text x="30" y="39"> $X$ </text>
+ <text x="45" y="39"> $Y$ </text>
+ <text x="65" y="39"> $L$ </text>
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+ À chaque époque :
+ </text>
+ <text x="25" y="118">
+ 1 itération pour
+ </text>
+ <text x="25" y="124">
+ chaque minibatch
+ </text>
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+ Variables
+ </text>
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+ 2) LSMR
+ </text>
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+ stroke="SlateGray" stroke-width=".2" />
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+ aRMSE trop élevée
+ </text>
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+ Sélectionné
+ </text>
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+ <text x="112.5" y="39"> $X$ </text>
+ <text x="130" y="39"> $Y$ </text>
+ <text x="155" y="39"> $L$ </text>
+ </g>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="52" font-size="5">
+ Apprentissage
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="72" font-size="5">
+ Validation
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="92" font-size="5">
+ Hors du sac
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="112" font-size="5">
+ (Out Of Bag)
+ </text>
+ <g stroke="black" stroke-width=".2">
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+ Faire
+ </text>
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+ varier :
+ </text>
+ <g text-anchor="end">
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+ - échan
+ </text>
+ <text x="170" y="104">
+ - hyper
+ </text>
+ </g>
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+ tillons
+ </text>
+ <text transform="translate(170, 104) rotate (45)">
+ paramètres
+ </text>
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+ </text>
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+ </text>
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+ Modèle
+ </text>
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+ 3) Stacking
+ </text>
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+ stroke="SlateGray" stroke-width=".2" />
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+ Par qualifier (indiv. pertinents) :
+ </text>
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+ <g font-size="5" text-anchor="middle" fill="DimGray">
+ <text x="22.5" y="200">?</text>
+ <text x="22.5" y="206">O</text>
+ <text x="22.5" y="212">O</text>
+ <text x="22.5" y="218">B</text>
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+ <text x="73" y="238">$Y$</text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="95" y="220" text-anchor="middle" font-size="10">
+ ...
+ </text>
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+ <text x="40" y="275" font-size="5" text-anchor="middle">...</text>
+ </g>
+ <text font-size="5" fill="DimGray" x="80" y="275" text-anchor="middle">
+ $W$ : modèle
+ </text>
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+ Ridge
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DarkOliveGreen" font-size="5" x="60" y="247" text-anchor="middle">
+ (avec imputation par la moyenne)
+ </text>
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+ Sortie
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="230" font-size="5" fill="DimGray">
+ RSMS : variables
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="255" font-size="5" fill="DimGray">
+ LSMR : modèles bootstrap
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="280" font-size="5" fill="DimGray">
+ Stacking : modèle Ridge
+ </text>
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