diff options
authorVivien Kraus <>2021-10-07 14:05:57 +0200
committerVivien Kraus <>2021-10-07 15:23:33 +0200
commit2c3ff4a34e33112684d88c274fff154dd10e478b (patch)
parent84c881aec122036dc1f6f0c2e18f24ce5a28f06b (diff)
package: make a package for each public git branch
2 files changed, 191 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/guix/vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm b/guix/vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm
index 38f24ed..d9558ac 100644
--- a/guix/vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm
+++ b/guix/vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm
@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages man)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
- #:use-module (gnu packages gnome))
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gnome)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
+ #:use-module (sxml simple))
(define-public disfluid-snapshot
@@ -142,7 +145,8 @@
(variable "LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH")
(files '("lib")))))))
-(define-public (disfluid-release version release-date commit hash)
+(define*-public (disfluid-release
+ #:key version release-date commit-id hash)
(inherit disfluid-snapshot)
(name "disfluid")
@@ -152,7 +156,7 @@
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "")
- (commit commit)))
+ (commit commit-id)))
(sha256 (base32 hash))
@@ -162,6 +166,16 @@
(lambda _ (format #t "~a~%" ,release-date)))
+(define*-public (disfluid-branch-snapshot
+ #:key branch-name version release-date commit-id hash)
+ (package
+ (inherit (disfluid-release
+ #:version version
+ #:release-date release-date
+ #:commit-id commit-id
+ #:hash hash))
+ (name (string-append "disfluid-snapshot-" branch-name))))
(define-public (disfluid-htmlize disfluid)
(inherit disfluid)
@@ -230,5 +244,40 @@
file, which is exported to HTML and PDF. Also include the complete
corresponding source, as an AGPL requirement.")))
-(define-public (make-website disfluid)
- (file-append (disfluid-htmlize disfluid) "/share/doc/disfluid/disfluid.html"))
+(define-public (make-website master-disfluid branch-disfluids)
+ (directory-union
+ "website"
+ `(,(file-append (disfluid-htmlize disfluid) "/share/doc/disfluid/disfluid.html")
+ ,(file-union
+ "branch-subdirectory"
+ `(("refs"
+ ,(file-union
+ "branch-websites"
+ `(("index.html"
+ ,(plain-file
+ "branch-index"
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (sxml->xml
+ `(*TOP*
+ (html (@ (href "")
+ (xml:lang "en"))
+ (head (title "Other versions"))
+ (body
+ (h1 "Other versions of the manual")
+ ,@(let ((lis
+ (map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((branch . _)
+ `(li (a (@ (href ,branch)) ,branch))))
+ branch-disfluids)))
+ (if (null? lis)
+ `((p "The manual is not available for any branch."))
+ `((p "The manual is available for these development branches:")
+ (ul ,@lis)))))))
+ port)))))
+ ,@(map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((branch . package)
+ `(,branch ,(file-append (disfluid-htmlize package) "/share/doc/disfluid/disfluid.html"))))
+ branch-disfluids)))))))))
diff --git a/update-channel.scm b/update-channel.scm
index 55eaa8a..26c0221 100644
--- a/update-channel.scm
+++ b/update-channel.scm
@@ -27,75 +27,143 @@
(use-modules (guix store))
(use-modules (ice-9 textual-ports))
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
+(use-modules (ice-9 optargs))
+(use-modules (ice-9 match))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-26))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+(define-class <branch-info> ()
+ (branch-name #:init-keyword #:branch-name #:getter branch-name)
+ (hash #:getter hash)
+ (version #:getter version)
+ (release-date #:getter release-date)
+ (commit-id #:getter commit-id)
+ (interned-modules #:getter interned-modules))
(unsetenv "GIT_DIR")
-(let ((tmp-dirname (tmpnam))
- (git
- (run-with-store
- (open-connection)
- (package-file git "bin/git")))
- (bash
- (run-with-store
- (open-connection)
- (package-file bash "bin/bash")))
- (tar
- (run-with-store
- (open-connection)
- (package-file tar "bin/tar"))))
- (format (current-error-port) "Found the required programs:
-- git: ~a
-- bash: ~a
-- tar: ~a
- git bash tar)
- (format (current-error-port) "Using temporary directory ~a\n" tmp-dirname)
- (mkdir tmp-dirname)
- (mkdir (string-append tmp-dirname "/source"))
- (invoke git "archive" "master" "-o" (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/source.tar.gz"))
- (with-directory-excursion
- (string-append tmp-dirname "/source")
- (invoke tar "xf" (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/source.tar.gz"))
- (delete-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/source.tar.gz")))
- (with-directory-excursion
- tmp-dirname
- (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "guix hash -r source > hash")))
- (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a describe --tags --always > ~a/version" git tmp-dirname))
- (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a show -s --format=%cI > ~a/release-date" git tmp-dirname))
- (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a rev-parse master > ~a/commit" git tmp-dirname))
- (let ((hash (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/hash") read-line))
- (version (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/version") read-line))
- (release-date (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/release-date") read-line))
- (commit (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/commit") read-line))
- (interned-modules
- (run-with-store
- (open-connection)
- (interned-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/guix") "ci-checkout" #:recursive? #t)))
- (base-repository (getcwd)))
- (delete-file-recursively tmp-dirname)
- (invoke git "clone" (format #f "~a/../webid-oidc-channel" base-repository) tmp-dirname)
- (with-directory-excursion
- tmp-dirname
- (invoke git "rm" "-f" "-r" "--ignore-unmatch" ".")
- (copy-recursively interned-modules "." #:follow-symlinks? #t)
- (chmod "vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm" #o644)
- (let ((port (open-file "vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm" "a")))
- (write `(define-public disfluid
- (disfluid-release ,version ,release-date ,commit ,hash))
- port)
- (display "\n" port)
- (write `(define-public disfluid-html
- (disfluid-htmlize disfluid))
- port)
- (display "\n" port)
- (write `(define-public disfluid:website
- (make-website disfluid))
- port)
- (display "\n" port)
- (close-port port))
- (invoke git "add" "-A")
- (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a diff-index --quiet HEAD || ~a commit -m 'Update package'"
- git git))
- (invoke git "push" "origin" "master"))))
-#~(system* #$(file-append hello "/bin/hello"))
+(define git
+ (run-with-store (open-connection) (package-file git "/bin/git")))
+(define bash
+ (run-with-store (open-connection) (package-file bash "/bin/bash")))
+(define tar
+ (run-with-store (open-connection) (package-file tar "/bin/tar")))
+(define-method (initialize (branch <branch-info>) initargs)
+ (let-keywords
+ initargs #t
+ ((branch-name "master"))
+ (let ((tmp-dirname (tmpnam)))
+ (mkdir tmp-dirname)
+ (mkdir (string-append tmp-dirname "/source"))
+ (invoke git "archive" branch-name "-o" (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/source.tar.gz"))
+ (with-directory-excursion
+ (string-append tmp-dirname "/source")
+ (invoke tar "xf" (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/source.tar.gz"))
+ (delete-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/source.tar.gz")))
+ (with-directory-excursion
+ tmp-dirname
+ (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "guix hash -r source > hash")))
+ (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a describe --tags --always ~a > ~a/version" git branch-name tmp-dirname))
+ (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a show -s --format=%cI ~a > ~a/release-date" git branch-name tmp-dirname))
+ (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a rev-parse ~a > ~a/commit-id" git branch-name tmp-dirname))
+ (slot-set! branch 'branch-name branch-name)
+ (slot-set! branch 'hash
+ (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/hash")
+ read-line))
+ (slot-set! branch 'version
+ (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/version")
+ read-line))
+ (slot-set! branch 'release-date
+ (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/release-date")
+ read-line))
+ (slot-set! branch 'commit-id
+ (call-with-input-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/commit-id")
+ read-line))
+ (slot-set! branch 'interned-modules
+ (run-with-store
+ (open-connection)
+ (interned-file (string-append tmp-dirname "/source/guix")
+ "ci-checkout"
+ #:recursive? #t)))
+ (delete-file-recursively tmp-dirname))))
+(define all-branches
+ (let ((tmp (tmpnam)))
+ (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a branch -l --format='%(refname:short)' > ~a" git tmp))
+ (map
+ (cute make <branch-info> #:branch-name <>)
+ (filter
+ (lambda (s) (not (equal? s "")))
+ (string-split (call-with-input-file tmp get-string-all) #\newline)))))
+(define master
+ (let find-master ((branches all-branches))
+ (match branches
+ (()
+ (error "No master branch in repo"))
+ (((and info
+ (= branch-name (? (cute equal? <> "master"))))
+ _ ...)
+ info)
+ ((_ branches ...)
+ (find-master branches)))))
+(define-method (package-variable-name (branch <branch-info>))
+ (string->symbol (string-append "disfluid-snapshot-" (branch-name branch))))
+(define-method (code (branch <branch-info>))
+ (let ((header
+ (if (equal? (branch-name branch) "master")
+ `((define-public disfluid
+ (disfluid-release
+ #:version ,(version branch)
+ #:release-date ,(release-date branch)
+ #:commit-id ,(commit-id branch)
+ #:hash ,(hash branch))))
+ '())))
+ (append
+ header
+ `((define-public ,(package-variable-name branch)
+ (disfluid-branch-snapshot
+ #:branch-name ,(branch-name branch)
+ #:version ,(version branch)
+ #:release-date ,(release-date branch)
+ #:commit-id ,(commit-id branch)
+ #:hash ,(hash branch)))))))
+(define all-code
+ (append
+ (apply append (map code all-branches))
+ `((define-public disfluid:website
+ (make-website disfluid
+ (list ,@(map
+ (lambda (branch)
+ `(cons ,(branch-name branch) ,(package-variable-name branch)))
+ all-branches)))))))
+(define clone-dir (tmpnam))
+(invoke git "clone" "../webid-oidc-channel" clone-dir)
+(with-directory-excursion clone-dir
+ (invoke git "rm" "-f" "-r" "--ignore-unmatch" ".")
+ (copy-recursively (interned-modules master) "." #:follow-symlinks? #t)
+ (chmod "vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm" #o644)
+ (let ((port (open-file "vkraus/packages/disfluid.scm" "a")))
+ (for-each (lambda (code)
+ (write code port)
+ (display "\n" port))
+ all-code)
+ (close-port port))
+ (invoke git "add" "-A")
+ (invoke bash "-c" (format #f "~a diff-index --quiet HEAD || ~a commit -m 'Update package'"
+ git git))
+ (invoke git "push" "origin" "master"))
+ "done"
+ "Channel updated.