diff options
2 files changed, 1071 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/scm/webid-oidc/ b/src/scm/webid-oidc/
index bd167db..7f3b33f 100644
--- a/src/scm/webid-oidc/
+++ b/src/scm/webid-oidc/
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ dist_webidoidcmod_DATA += \
%reldir%/simulation.scm \
%reldir%/web-i18n.scm \
%reldir%/serializable.scm \
- %reldir%/abnf-types.scm
+ %reldir%/abnf-types.scm \
+ %reldir%/abnf-bootstrap.scm
webidoidcgo_DATA += \
%reldir%/errors.go \
@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ webidoidcgo_DATA += \
%reldir%/simulation.go \
%reldir%/web-i18n.go \
%reldir%/serializable.go \
- %reldir%/abnf-types.go
+ %reldir%/abnf-types.go \
+ %reldir%/abnf-bootstrap.go
EXTRA_DIST += %reldir%/ChangeLog
diff --git a/src/scm/webid-oidc/abnf-bootstrap.scm b/src/scm/webid-oidc/abnf-bootstrap.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5f7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scm/webid-oidc/abnf-bootstrap.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+;; disfluid, implementation of the Solid specification
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 Vivien Kraus
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+(define-module (webid-oidc abnf-bootstrap)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions)
+ #:use-module (webid-oidc web-i18n)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:duplicates (merge-generics)
+ #:declarative? #t
+ #:export
+ (
+ ))
+;; This is RFC 4234.
+ &failed-to-parse
+ &external-error
+ make-failed-to-parse
+ failed-to-parse?
+ (index failed-to-parse-index))
+(define (parse-character-class produce)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((index (ftell port)))
+ (match (hash-ref cache index)
+ (#f ;; Not explored yet
+ (let* ((c (read-char port))
+ (produced
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR)
+ `(error
+ . ,(make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-character-class)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "the character ~a is not accepted") c))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ `(ok . ,(produce index c)))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse)))
+ (hash-set! cache index produced)
+ (match produced
+ (('ok . value) value)
+ (('error . error)
+ (raise-exception error)))))
+ (('ok . produced)
+ (begin
+ (seek port 1 SEEK_CUR)
+ produced))
+ (('error . error)
+ (raise-exception error))))))))
+(define (parse-ci produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (and (char>= c #\A) (char<= c #\Z))
+ (integer->char
+ (+ (char->integer c)
+ (- (char->integer #\a) (char->integer #\A))))
+ c))))
+ &failed-to-parse-concatenation
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-concatenation
+ failed-to-parse-concatenation?
+ (element-index failed-to-parse-concatenation-element-index))
+(define (parse-concatenation produce elements)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((index (ftell port)))
+ (match (hash-ref cache index)
+ (#f ;; Not explored
+ (let explore-elements ((elements elements)
+ (i 0)
+ (values '()))
+ (match elements
+ (()
+ (let ((final-index (ftell port)))
+ (let ((produced
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (seek port (- index final-index) SEEK_CUR)
+ `(error
+ . ,(make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-concatenation)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "the concatenation production failed")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ `(ok . ,(apply produce index (reverse values))))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &error)))
+ (hash-set! cache index
+ `(,produced . ,(- final-index index)))
+ (match produced
+ (('ok . value) value)
+ (('error . error)
+ (raise-exception error))))))
+ ((next elements ...)
+ (let ((current-index (ftell port)))
+ (let ((next-value
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (seek port (- index current-index) SEEK_CUR)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-concatenation current-index i)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-concatenation)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "failed to parse concatenation element ~a") i))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (next)))))
+ (explore-elements elements (+ i 1) `(,next-value ,@values))))))))
+ ((('ok . value) . length)
+ (begin
+ (seek port length SEEK_CUR)
+ value))
+ ((('error . error) . _)
+ (raise-exception error))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-alternatives
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-alternatives
+ failed-to-parse-alternatives?)
+(define (parse-alternatives produce elements)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((index (ftell port)))
+ (match (hash-ref cache index)
+ (#f
+ (let explore-alternatives ((elements elements)
+ (past-errors '()))
+ (match elements
+ (()
+ (let ((final-exception
+ (apply
+ make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-alternatives index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-alternatives)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "failed to parse any alternative")))
+ (reverse past-errors))))
+ (hash-set! cache index `(error . ,final-exception))
+ (raise-exception final-exception)))
+ (((key . next) elements ...)
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (explore-alternatives elements `(,error ,@past-errors)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((produced (produce index key (next))))
+ (hash-set! cache index `((ok . ,produced) . ,(- (ftell port) index)))
+ produced))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse)))))
+ ((('ok . value) . length)
+ (begin
+ (seek port length SEEK_CUR)
+ value))
+ (('error . exception)
+ (raise-exception exception))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-range
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-range
+ failed-to-parse-range?
+ (minimum failed-to-parse-range-minimum)
+ (maximum failed-to-parse-range-maximum)
+ (value failed-to-parse-range-value))
+(define (parse-range produce minimum maximum)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (unless (and (char>=? c minimum) (char<=? c maximum))
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-range index minimum maximum c)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-range)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "failed to parse ~s in range [~s-~s]") c minimum maximum)))))
+ c)))
+ &failed-to-parse-repetition
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-repetition
+ failed-to-parse-repetition?
+ (minimum failed-to-parse-repetition-minimum)
+ (times failed-to-parse-repetition-times))
+(define (parse-repetition produce minimum maximum element)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((index (ftell port)))
+ (match (hash-ref cache index)
+ (#f
+ (let explore-repetitions ((i 0)
+ (values '()))
+ (let ((current-index (ftell port)))
+ (define (reject exception)
+ (seek port (- index current-index) SEEK_CUR)
+ (hash-set! cache index `(error . ,exception))
+ (raise-exception exception))
+ (define (accept reason)
+ (let ((length (- current-index index)))
+ ;; Maybe the production function will choke
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (production-error)
+ (reject
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-repetition)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "the repetition production failed to produce a value")))
+ production-error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((produced
+ (produce index (list->vector (reverse values)) reason)))
+ (hash-set! cache index `((ok . ,produced) . ,length))
+ produced))
+ #:unwind? #t)))
+ (if (and maximum (= i maximum))
+ (accept #f)
+ ;; else, try to read once more
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (if (>= i minimum)
+ ;; We can accept it, pass the breaking error though
+ (accept error)
+ ;; Else, we did not clear the minimum number of times -> fail
+ (reject
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-repetition index minimum i)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-repetition)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "there are not enough repetitions: ~a, expected at least ~a")
+ i minimum))
+ error))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (explore-repetitions (+ i 1) `(,(element) ,@values)))
+ #:unwind? #t)))))
+ ((('ok . value) . length)
+ (seek port length SEEK_CUR)
+ value)
+ (('error . exception)
+ (raise-exception exception))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-specific-repetition
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-specific-repetition
+ failed-to-parse-specific-repetition?
+ (expected failed-to-parse-specific-repetition-expected)
+ (times failed-to-parse-specific-repetition-times))
+(define (parse-specific-repetition produce times element)
+ (let ((base (parse-repetition produce times times element)))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (failed-to-parse-specific-repetition
+ (failed-to-parse-index error)
+ times
+ (failed-to-parse-repetition-times error)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "there are not enough repetitions: ~a, expected ~a")
+ (failed-to-parse-repetition-times error) times))
+ error))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-repetition))))))
+(define (parse-optional produce element)
+ (parse-repetition
+ (lambda (index values)
+ (produce index (vector->list values)))
+ 0 1 element))
+ &failed-to-parse-ALPHA
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-ALPHA
+ failed-to-parse-ALPHA?)
+(define (parse-ALPHA produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (cond
+ ((and (char>=? c #\a) (char<=? c #\z))
+ (let ((upper (integer->char
+ (+ (char->integer c)
+ (- (char->integer #\A)
+ (char->integer #\a))))))
+ (produce index c 'lower c upper)))
+ ((and (char>=? c #\A) (char<=? c #\Z))
+ (let ((lower (integer->char
+ (+ (char->integer c)
+ (- (char->integer #\a)
+ (char->integer #\A))))))
+ (produce index c 'upper lower c)))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-ALPHA index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-ALPHA)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected an ASCII alphabetical character, got ~s") c)))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-BIT
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-BIT
+ failed-to-parse-BIT?)
+(define (parse-BIT produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (case c
+ ((#\0) (produce index c #f))
+ ((#\1) (produce index c #t))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-BIT index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-BIT)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a 0 or 1 digit, got ~s") c)))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-CHAR
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-CHAR
+ failed-to-parse-CHAR?)
+(define (parse-CHAR produce)
+ (let ((base (parse-range produce #\x01 #\x7F)))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-CHAR (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-CHAR)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a 7-bit ASCII character except NUL, got ~s")
+ (failed-to-parse-range-value error)))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-range))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-CR
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-CR
+ failed-to-parse-CR?)
+(define (parse-CR produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index value)
+ (unless (eqv? value #\x0D)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-CR index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-CR)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a carriage return, got ~s") value))
+ error)))
+ (produce index))))
+ &failed-to-parse-CRLF
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-CRLF
+ failed-to-parse-CRLF?)
+(define (parse-CRLF produce)
+ (let ((base (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index cr lf)
+ (produce index))
+ `(,(parse-CR (lambda (index) #t))
+ ,(parse-LF (lambda (index) #t))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-CRLF (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-CRLF)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a carriage return followed by a line feed")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-concatenation))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-CTL
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-CTL
+ failed-to-parse-CTL?)
+(define (parse-CTL produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (cond
+ ((or (char<=? c #\x1F)
+ (eqv? c #\x7F))
+ (produce index c))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-CTL index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-CTL)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a control character, got ~s") c)))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-DIGIT
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-DIGIT
+ failed-to-parse-DIGIT?)
+(define (parse-DIGIT produce)
+ (let ((zero (call-with-input-string "0" read-char))
+ (nine (call-with-input-string "9" read-char)))
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (cond
+ ((and (char>=? c zero) (char<=? c nine))
+ (produce index c (- (char->integer c) (char->integer zero))))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-DIGIT index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-DIGIT)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a decimal digit, got ~s") c))))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-DQUOTE
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-DQUOTE
+ failed-to-parse-DQUOTE?)
+(define (parse-DQUOTE produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\")
+ (produce index)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-DQUOTE index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-DQUOTE)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a double quote, got ~s") c))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-HEXDIG
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-HEXDIG
+ failed-to-parse-HEXDIG?)
+(define (parse-HEXDIG produce)
+ (let ((zero (call-with-input-string "0" read-char))
+ (nine (call-with-input-string "9" read-char)))
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (cond
+ ((and (char>=? c zero) (char<=? c nine))
+ (produce index c (- (char->integer c) (char->integer zero))))
+ (else
+ (case c
+ ((#\a #\A) (produce index c 10))
+ ((#\b #\B) (produce index c 11))
+ ((#\c #\C) (produce index c 12))
+ ((#\d #\D) (produce index c 13))
+ ((#\e #\E) (produce index c 14))
+ ((#\f #\F) (produce index c 15))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-HEXDIG index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-HEXDIG)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected an hexadecimal digit, got ~s") c))))))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-HTAB
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-HTAB
+ failed-to-parse-HTAB?)
+(define (parse-HTAB produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\x09)
+ (produce index)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-HTAB index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-HTAB)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected an horizontal tabulation, got ~s") c))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-LF
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-LF
+ failed-to-parse-LF?)
+(define (parse-LF produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\x0A)
+ (produce index)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-LF index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-LF)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a line feed, got ~s") c))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-LWSP
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-LWSP
+ failed-to-parse-LWSP?)
+(define (parse-LWSP produce)
+ (let ((base
+ (let ((wsp (parse-WSP (lambda (index c) (list->string (list c))))))
+ ;; wsp parses some whitespace as a string
+ (parse-repetition
+ (lambda (index values reason-to-stop)
+ (produce index (string-append (vector->list values))
+ reason-to-stop))
+ 0 #f
+ (parse-alternatives
+ (lambda (index what value)
+ value)
+ `((wsp . ,wsp)
+ (wsp-on-new-line
+ . ,(parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index crlf c)
+ (string-join "\r\n" c))
+ `(,(parse-CRLF (lambda (index) #t))
+ ,wsp)))))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-LSWP (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-LWSP)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected linear whitespace")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-repetition))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-OCTET
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-OCTET
+ failed-to-parse-OCTET?)
+(define (parse-OCTET produce)
+ (let ((base (parse-range produce #\x00 #\xFF)))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-OCTET (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-OCTET)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a 8-bit octet, got ~s")
+ (failed-to-parse-range-value error)))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-range))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-SP
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-SP
+ failed-to-parse-SP?)
+(define (parse-SP produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\x20)
+ (produce index)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-SP index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-SP)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a space, got ~s") c))))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-VCHAR
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-VCHAR
+ failed-to-parse-VCHAR?)
+(define (parse-VCHAR produce)
+ (let ((base (parse-range produce #\x21 #\x7E)))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-VCHAR (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-VCHAR)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a printing character, got ~s")
+ (failed-to-parse-range-value error)))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-range))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-WSP
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-WSP
+ failed-to-parse-WSP?)
+(define (parse-WSP produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (or (eqv? c #\x20) (eqv? c #\x09))
+ (produce index c)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-WSP index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-WSP)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a space or tab, got ~s") c))))))))
+;; Now, ABNF rules
+(define (parse-*c-wsp)
+ (parse-repetition
+ (lambda (index values reason-to-stop)
+ #t)
+ 0 #f
+ (parse-c-wsp
+ (lambda (index comments)
+ #t))))
+ &failed-to-parse-rulelist
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-rulelist
+ failed-to-parse-rulelist?)
+(define* (parse-rulelist produce
+ #:key
+ produce-rule
+ produce-alternation
+ produce-concatenation
+ produce-repetition
+ produce-rulename
+ produce-literal
+ produce-prose)
+ (let ((base
+ (parse-repetition
+ (lambda (index values reason-to-stop)
+ (produce index (vector->list values) reason-to-stop))
+ 1 #f
+ (parse-alternatives
+ (lambda (index what value)
+ `(,what . ,value))
+ `((rule . ,(parse-rule produce-rule
+ #:produce-alternation produce-alternation
+ #:produce-concatenation produce-concatenation
+ #:produce-repetition produce-repetition
+ #:produce-rulename produce-rulename
+ #:produce-literal produce-literal
+ #:produce-prose produce-prose))
+ (whitespace
+ . ,(parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index opt-whitespace newline)
+ `(,@opt-whitespace ,@newline))
+ `(,(parse-*c-wsp)
+ ,(parse-c-nl)))))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-rulelist (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-rulelist)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected an ABNF rule list")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-repetition))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-rule
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-rule
+ failed-to-parse-rule?)
+(define* (parse-rule produce-rule
+ #:key
+ produce-alternation
+ produce-concatenation
+ produce-repetition
+ produce-rulename
+ produce-literal
+ produce-prose)
+ ;; Comments are not parsed for the bootstrap ABNF at least
+ (let ((base (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index rulename defined-as elements nl)
+ (produce-rule index
+ #:name rulename
+ #:incremental? defined-as
+ #:elements elements))
+ `(,(parse-rulename)
+ ,(parse-defined-as)
+ ,(parse-elements)
+ ,(parse-c-nl)))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-rule (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-rule)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected an ABNF rule")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-concatenation))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-rulename
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-rulename
+ failed-to-parse-rulename?)
+(define (parse-rulename)
+ (let ((base (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index first-alpha other-characters)
+ (string->symbol (list->string `(,first-alpha ,@other-characters))))
+ `(,(parse-ALPHA (lambda (index char case lower upper) lower))
+ ,(parse-repetition
+ (lambda (index values reason-to-stop)
+ values)
+ 0 #f
+ (parse-alternative
+ (lambda (index what value)
+ value)
+ `((alpha . ,(parse-ALPHA (lambda (index char case lower upper) lower)))
+ (digit . ,(parse-DIGIT (lambda (index char value) char)))
+ (dash . ,(parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\-)
+ c
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-rulename)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "rule name characters that aren’t alpha or digits must be a dash, not ~a")
+ c)))))))))))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-rulename (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-rulename)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a rule name")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-concatenation))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-defined-as
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-defined-as
+ failed-to-parse-defined-as?)
+(define (parse-= produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\=)
+ (produce index)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-defined-as)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected '=', got ~s" c)))))))))
+(define (parse-/ produce)
+ (parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (if (eqv? c #\/)
+ (produce index)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-defined-as)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected '/', got ~s" c)))))))))
+(define (parse-=/ produce)
+ (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index = /)
+ (produce index))
+ `(,(parse-= (lambda (index) #t))
+ ,(parse-/ (lambda (index) #t)))))
+(define (parse-defined-as)
+ (let ((base
+ (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index comment-left incremental? comment-right)
+ incremental?)
+ `(,(parse-*c-wsp)
+ ,(parse-alternative
+ (lambda (index what value)
+ value)
+ `((not-incremental . ,(parse-= (lambda (index) #f)))
+ (incremental . ,(parse-=/ (lambda (index) #t)))))
+ ,(parse-*c-wsp)))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-defined-as (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-defined-as)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected either = or =/")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse-concatenation))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-elements
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-elements
+ failed-to-parse-elements?)
+(define* (parse-elements
+ #:key
+ produce-alternation
+ produce-concatenation
+ produce-repetition
+ produce-rulename
+ produce-literal
+ produce-prose)
+ (let ((base (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index alternation wsp)
+ alternation)
+ `(,(parse-alternation
+ #:produce-alternation produce-alternation
+ #:produce-concatenation produce-concatenation
+ #:produce-repetition produce-repetition
+ #:produce-rulename produce-rulename
+ #:produce-literal produce-literal
+ #:produce-prose produce-prose)
+ ,(parse-*c-wsp)))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-elements (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-elements)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a list of elements")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda () (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-c-wsp
+ &failed-to-parse
+ &make-failed-to-parse-c-wsp
+ failed-to-parse-c-wsp?)
+(define* (parse-c-wsp produce)
+ (let ((base
+ (parse-alternatives
+ (lambda (index what value)
+ (produce index value))
+ `((no-comment . ,(parse-WSP (lambda (index c) '())))
+ (with-comments
+ . ,(parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index nl wsp)
+ nl)
+ `(,(parse-c-nl) ,(parse-WSP (lambda (index c) #t)))))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-c-wsp (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-c-wsp)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected whitespace, possibly across multiple lines")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda () (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-c-nl
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-c-nl
+ failed-to-parse-c-nl?)
+(define* (parse-c-nl)
+ (let ((base
+ (parse-alternatives
+ (lambda (index what value)
+ (case what
+ ((comment) (list value))
+ ((crlf) '())))
+ `((comment . ,(parse-comment))
+ (crlf . ,(parse-CRLF))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-c-nl (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-c-nl)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a comment or a newline")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda () (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse))))))
+ &failed-to-parse-comment
+ &failed-to-parse
+ make-failed-to-parse-comment
+ failed-to-parse-comment?)
+(define* (parse-comment)
+ (let ((base
+ (parse-concatenation
+ (lambda (index semicolon comment crlf)
+ (list->string (vector->list comment)))
+ `(,(parse-character-class
+ (lambda (index c)
+ (or (eqv? c #\;)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse index)
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-comment)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a semicolon to start a comment"))))))))
+ ,(parse-repetition
+ (lambda (index values reason-to-stop)
+ values)
+ 0 #f
+ (parse-alternatives
+ (lambda (what value) value)
+ `((wsp . ,(parse-WSP (lambda (index c) c)))
+ (vchar . ,(parse-VCHAR (lambda (index c) c))))))
+ ,(parse-CRLF (lambda (index) #t))))))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((base (base port)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (error)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-failed-to-parse-comment (failed-to-parse-index error))
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'parse-comment)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ (format #f (G_ "expected a comment")))
+ error)))
+ (lambda () (base))
+ #:unwind? #t
+ #:unwind-for-type &failed-to-parse))))))