path: root/images
diff options
authorVivien Kraus <>2021-04-07 12:05:36 +0200
committerVivien Kraus <>2021-06-15 13:34:18 +0200
commitbb1ae75c56d34a65662d7b285333c595c0ddae7f (patch)
treee8baf732ce062603f0982ebc093fbd5451c45e65 /images
Nouvelle version du manuscrit avec HTML
Diffstat (limited to 'images')
-rw-r--r--images/hireau-s.pngbin0 -> 33835 bytes
-rw-r--r--images/hireaugramme.pngbin0 -> 18494 bytes
-rw-r--r--images/lizeo-donnees.pngbin0 -> 105511 bytes
-rw-r--r--images/logo.pngbin0 -> 120775 bytes
32 files changed, 2149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/images/bothsemimulti.svg b/images/bothsemimulti.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03b092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/bothsemimulti.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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diff --git a/images/dirty.svg b/images/dirty.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8e76f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/dirty.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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+ <rect x="140" y="175" width="10" height="10" />
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+ <g stroke="black" stroke-width="0.1">
+ <!-- The grid -->
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+ <g font-size="6px" font-family="serif">
+ <text x="125" y="14">
+ variables non pertinentes
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="70">
+ variables communes
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="135">
+ variables différenciantes
+ </text>
+ <text x="155" y="168">
+ $P = 0$, $Q = 0$
+ </text>
+ <text x="155" y="183">
+ $P = 0$, $Q \neq 0$
+ </text>
+ <text x="155" y="198">
+ $P \neq 0$, $Q = 0$
+ </text>
+ </g>
diff --git a/images/featureselectionlizeo.R b/images/featureselectionlizeo.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df6b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/featureselectionlizeo.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/feature_selection_lizeo.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+Sys.setlocale ("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
+library ("magrittr")
+plot <- (feature_selection_lizeo
+ %>% dplyr::filter (algorithm != "rsms_full")
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "rsms", "\\textbf{RSMS}", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "mifs", "MIFS", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "rfs", "RFS", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`% de variables sélectionnées` = n_features / max (n_features))
+ %>% dplyr::select (`Algorithme` = algorithm, `% de variables sélectionnées`, `aRMSE` = armse)
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (Algorithme, `% de variables sélectionnées`)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (aRMSE = min (aRMSE))
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `% de variables sélectionnées`, y = aRMSE, color = Algorithme, linetype = Algorithme))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual (values = c ("\\textbf{RSMS}" = "solid", "MIFS" = "dashed", "RFS" = "twodash"))
+ + ggplot2::scale_color_manual (values = c ("\\textbf{RSMS}" = "#E69F00", "MIFS" = "#56B4E9", "RFS" = "#009E73"))
+ + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous (trans = 'log10', labels = scales::percent))
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 3)
diff --git a/images/featureselectionlizeofull.R b/images/featureselectionlizeofull.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c861e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/featureselectionlizeofull.R
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/feature_selection_lizeo.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+Sys.setlocale ("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
+library ("magrittr")
+plot <- (feature_selection_lizeo
+ %>% dplyr::filter (algorithm %in% c ("rsms_full", "rsms"))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "rsms_full", "\\textbf{par époques}", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "rsms", "par sous-ensemble", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`Nombre de variables` = n_features / max (n_features))
+ %>% dplyr::select (`Variante` = algorithm, `Nombre de variables`, `aRMSE` = armse)
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (Variante, `Nombre de variables`)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (aRMSE = min (aRMSE))
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `Nombre de variables`, y = aRMSE, color = Variante, linetype = Variante))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual (values = c ("\\textbf{par époques}" = "solid", "par sous-ensemble" = "dashed"))
+ + ggplot2::scale_color_manual (values = c ("\\textbf{par époques}" = "#0072B2", "par sous-ensemble" = "#E69F00"))
+ + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous (trans = 'log10', labels = scales::percent))
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 3)
diff --git a/images/fig-co-training.svg b/images/fig-co-training.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cffba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/fig-co-training.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=''
+ width="14cm"
+ viewBox="0 0 640 640">
+ <g fill-opacity=".3">
+ <rect x="0" y="0" width="640" height="120" fill="#E69F00" />
+ <rect x="0" y="240" width="640" height="120" fill="#E69F00" />
+ <rect x="0" y="120" width="640" height="120" fill="#56B4E9" />
+ <rect x="0" y="360" width="640" height="120" fill="#56B4E9" />
+ </g>
+ <g fill="white">
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+ <rect x="40" y="260" width="260" height="80" />
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+ <rect x="412" y="140" width="208" height="80" />
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+ <rect x="92" y="380" width="208" height="80" />
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+ <g fill="#E69F00">
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+ <g fill="#56B4E9">
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+ <rect x="144" y="260" width="52" height="80" />
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+ <g stroke="black">
+ <rect x="40" y="20" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="40" y="140" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="360" y="20" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="360" y="140" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="40" y="260" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="40" y="380" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="360" y="260" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <rect x="360" y="380" width="260" height="80" fill="none" stroke="black" />
+ <line x1="0" x2="640" y1="240" y2="240" stroke="black" />
+ <line x1="320" x2="320" y1="0" y2="480" stroke="black" />
+ </g>
+ <g stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,3">
+ <line x1="274" x2="274" y1="260" y2="340" />
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+ <line x1="144" x2="144" y1="380" y2="460" />
+ </g>
+ <g stroke="black" fill="white">
+ <polygon points="164,400 164,360 144,360 170,320 196,360 178,360 178,400" />
+ <polygon points="240,320 240,360 222,360 248,400 274,360 256,360 256,320" />
+ </g>
+ <g text-anchor="end" dominant-baseline="middle">
+ <text x="30" y="60">$h_1$</text>
+ <text x="30" y="180">$h_2$</text>
+ <text x="30" y="300">$h_1$</text>
+ <text x="30" y="420">$h_2$</text>
+ <text x="350" y="60">$h_1$</text>
+ <text x="350" y="180">$h_2$</text>
+ <text x="350" y="300">$h_1$</text>
+ <text x="350" y="420">$h_2$</text>
+ </g>
+ <g stroke="black">
+ <rect x="7" y="487" width="42" height="42" fill="white" />
+ <rect x="7" y="543" width="42" height="42" fill="lightgray" />
+ <rect x="327" y="487" width="42" height="42" fill="#E69F00" />
+ <rect x="327" y="543" width="42" height="42" fill="#56B4E9" />
+ </g>
+ <g text-anchor="start" dominant-baseline="middle">
+ <text x="56" y="508">Labellisé</text>
+ <text x="56" y="564">Non labellisé</text>
+ <text x="376" y="508">Valeur prédite par $h_1$</text>
+ <text x="376" y="564">Valeur prédite par $h_2$</text>
+ </g>
diff --git a/images/fig-multi-vues.svg b/images/fig-multi-vues.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41af47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/fig-multi-vues.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=''
+ width="10cm"
+ viewBox="0 0 640 480">
+ <g fill-opacity="0.5" stroke="black">
+ <rect x="80" y="80" width="160" height="64" fill="#E69F00" />
+ <rect x="240" y="80" width="160" height="64" fill="#56B4E9" />
+ <rect x="480" y="80" width="80" height="64" fill="#009E73" />
+ </g>
+ <g fill-opacity="0.2" stroke="black">
+ <rect x="80" y="144" width="160" height="256" fill="#E69F00" />
+ <rect x="240" y="144" width="160" height="256" fill="#56B4E9" />
+ <rect x="480" y="144" width="80" height="256" fill="#009E73" />
+ </g>
+ <g text-anchor="middle">
+ <text x="160" y="60">$X_1$ (texte)</text>
+ <text x="320" y="60">$X_2$ (liens)</text>
+ <g dominant-baseline="middle">
+ <text x="160" y="112">${X_l}_{1}$</text>
+ <text x="320" y="112">${X_l}_{1}$</text>
+ <text x="520" y="112">$Y$</text>
+ <text x="580" y="112" text-anchor="start">$n$</text>
+ <text x="60" y="240" text-anchor="end">$N$</text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/images/hireau-s.png b/images/hireau-s.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9661c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/hireau-s.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/hireaugramme.png b/images/hireaugramme.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ffb06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/hireaugramme.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/insurance_mae.R b/images/insurance_mae.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b0341b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/insurance_mae.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/laps3l_graph_code.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+plot <- plot_tuning ("mae", "insurance")
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 3)
diff --git a/images/insurance_rmse.R b/images/insurance_rmse.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c37ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/insurance_rmse.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/laps3l_graph_code.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+plot <- plot_tuning ("rmse", "insurance")
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 3)
diff --git a/images/l21m2.R b/images/l21m2.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8998a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/l21m2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+xpoints <- seq (-1, 1, length.out = 100)
+ypoints <- seq (-1, 1, length.out = 100)
+compute_l1 <- function (x, y) abs (x) + abs (y)
+compute_l2 <- function (x, y) sqrt (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
+data <- (tibble::tibble (expand.grid (x = xpoints, y = ypoints))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_{2, 1}$` = compute_l1 (x, y),
+ `$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_F$` = compute_l2 (x, y))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_{2, 1 - 2}$` =
+ `$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_{2, 1}$`
+ - `$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_F$`))
+plotl21 <- (ggplot2::ggplot (data, ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, fill = `$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_{2, 1}$`))
+ + ggplot2::geom_raster ())
+plotl21m2 <- (ggplot2::ggplot (data, ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, fill = `$\\left\\|W\\right\\|_{2, 1 - 2}$`))
+ + ggplot2::geom_raster ())
+plot <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob (plotl21, plotl21m2, nrow = 2)
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 5.5, height = 6.5)
diff --git a/images/laps3l_graph_code.R b/images/laps3l_graph_code.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b01b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/laps3l_graph_code.R
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/laps3l_tuning.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+aggregate_tuning_raw <- function (datasets, algorithms) {
+ data <- tuning
+ aggregated <- (data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset %in% datasets, algorithm %in% algorithms)
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (algorithm, labeled_data, dataset)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (armse = mean (rmse),
+ srmse = sd (rmse),
+ amae = mean (mae),
+ smae = sd (mae),
+ arrse = mean (rrse),
+ srrse = sd (rrse),
+ arae = mean (rae),
+ srae = sd (rae))
+ %>% dplyr::ungroup ())
+ metrics <- (aggregated
+ %>% tidyr::pivot_longer (c (armse, srmse, amae, smae, arrse, srrse, arae, srae),
+ names_to = "metric",
+ values_to = "value")
+ %>% dplyr::filter (is.finite (value)))
+ annotations <- (metrics
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (labeled_data, dataset, metric)
+ %>% dplyr::arrange (value)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (algorithm = algorithm, is_best = c (
+ rep (FALSE, dplyr::n () - 1)
+ ))
+ %>% dplyr::ungroup ())
+ (metrics
+ %>% dplyr::inner_join (annotations))
+#' Plot the tuning results
+#' @param metric the metric to show: "rmse", "mae", "rrse", "rae"
+#' @export
+plot_tuning <- function (metric = "rmse", dataset = "wine") {
+ the_metric <- metric
+ the_dataset <- dataset
+ (aggregate_tuning_raw (dataset, c ("laps3l", "sssl", "laprls"))
+ %>% dplyr::select (algorithm, labeled_data, dataset, metric, value)
+ %>% dplyr::filter (metric %in% c (sprintf ("a%s", the_metric),
+ sprintf ("s%s", the_metric)),
+ dataset == the_dataset)
+ %>% tidyr::pivot_wider (id_cols = c (algorithm, labeled_data, dataset),
+ names_from = metric,
+ values_from = value)
+ %>% dplyr::rename (mean = sprintf ("a%s", the_metric),
+ sd = sprintf ("s%s", the_metric))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (low = mean - sd, high = mean + sd)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`Données labellisées` = labeled_data,
+ Algorithme =
+ ifelse (algorithm == "sssl",
+ "SSSL",
+ ifelse (algorithm == "laprls",
+ "LapRLS",
+ "\\textbf{LapS3L}")),
+ Value = mean,
+ low = low,
+ high = high)
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `Données labellisées`,
+ y = Value,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high,
+ linetype = Algorithme,
+ color = Algorithme,
+ fill = Algorithme))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::geom_ribbon (alpha = 0.2, size = 0)
+ + ggplot2::ylab (metric)
+ + ggplot2::ggtitle (sprintf ("jeu de données %s, métrique %s", dataset, metric)))
diff --git a/images/lasso.svg b/images/lasso.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ae633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lasso.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ xmlns=""
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+ <defs>
+ <clipPath id="figure-gauche-clip">
+ <rect x="00" y="00" width="100" height="100" />
+ </clipPath>
+ <clipPath id="figure-droite-clip">
+ <rect x="120" y="0" width="100" height="100" />
+ </clipPath>
+ <!-- Une figure, c'est un fond gris, deux axes en blanc dessus, et
+ la figure (qui est en fait un croisement de deux diagonales
+ avec une largeur très élevée) -->
+ <g id="figure-base">
+ <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="#D3D3D3" />
+ <line x1="50" x2="50" y1="0" y2="100" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.5" />
+ <line x1="0" x2="100" y1="50" y2="50" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.5"/>
+ <line class="domaine"
+ x1="0" x2="100" y1="0" y2="100"
+ stroke="blue" opacity=".2" />
+ <line class="domaine"
+ x1="0" x2="100" y1="100" y2="0"
+ stroke="blue" opacity=".2" />
+ </g>
+ <g id="figure-decalee">
+ <use xlink:href="#figure-base" transform="translate (120 0)" />
+ </g>
+ </defs>
+ <use clip-path="url(#figure-gauche-clip)"
+ xlink:href="#figure-base"
+ id="gauche"
+ stroke-width="20"/>
+ <use clip-path="url(#figure-droite-clip)"
+ xlink:href="#figure-decalee"
+ id="droite"
+ stroke-width="50"/>
+ <text x="50" y="115" text-anchor="middle" font-size="10px">$\alpha$ grand</text>
+ <text x="170" y="115" text-anchor="middle" font-size="10px">$\alpha$ petit</text>
+ <rect x="0" y="125" width="20" height="15" fill="#D3D3D3" />
+ <text x="30" y="135" font-size="10px">
+ le modèle a une composante nulle
+ </text>
+ <rect x="0" y="145" width="20" height="15" fill="#D3D3D3" />
+ <rect x="0" y="145" width="20" height="15" fill="blue" opacity=".2" />
+ <text x="30" y="155" font-size="10px">
+ le modèle est dense
+ </text>
diff --git a/images/lizeo-donnees.png b/images/lizeo-donnees.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c520299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lizeo-donnees.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/lizeoclassif.svg b/images/lizeoclassif.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ef436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lizeoclassif.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ version="1.1"
+ viewBox="0 0 200 200"
+ width="80mm"
+ height="80mm">
+ <text x="70" y="12" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8px">
+ Variables textuelles
+ </text>
+ <g transform="rotate(-90) translate(-100, 12)">
+ <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="8px">
+ documents
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="rotate (-90) translate(-15, 145)">
+ <text text-anchor="left" font-size="4px">
+ Prix
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="rotate (-90) translate(-15, 155)">
+ <text text-anchor="left" font-size="4px">
+ Bruit
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <text x="172" y="15" text-anchor="middle" font-size="6px">
+ ...
+ </text>
+ <text x="190" y="195" text-anchor="end" font-size="6px">
+ \textit{qualifiers}
+ </text>
+ <text x="70" y="130" text-anchor="middle" font-size="20px">
+ ...
+ </text>
+ <text x="175" y="130" text-anchor="middle" font-size="20px">
+ $\{1, 0\}$
+ </text>
+ <rect x="20" y="20" width="100" height="160" rx="5" stroke="black" stroke-width=".5" fill="none" />
+ <rect x="140" y="20" width="50" height="160" rx="5" stroke="black" stroke-width=".5" fill="none" />
+ <rect x="150" y="20" width="10" height="20" fill="gray" />
+ <rect x="140" y="40" width="10" height="20" fill="gray" />
+ <rect x="150" y="60" width="10" height="20" fill="gray" />
+ <line x1="20" x2="120" y1="40" y2="40" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="20" x2="120" y1="60" y2="60" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="20" x2="120" y1="80" y2="80" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="140" x2="190" y1="40" y2="40" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="140" x2="190" y1="60" y2="60" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="140" x2="190" y1="80" y2="80" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="150" x2="150" y1="20" y2="180" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="160" x2="160" y1="20" y2="180" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
diff --git a/images/lizeoreg.svg b/images/lizeoreg.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4561c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lizeoreg.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ version="1.1"
+ viewBox="0 0 200 200"
+ height="80mm"
+ width="80mm">
+ <text x="70" y="12" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8px">
+ Variables textuelles
+ </text>
+ <g transform="rotate(-90) translate(-100, 12)">
+ <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="8px">
+ documents
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="rotate (-90) translate(-15, 145)">
+ <text text-anchor="left" font-size="4px">
+ Prix
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="rotate (-90) translate(-15, 155)">
+ <text text-anchor="left" font-size="4px">
+ Bruit
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <text x="172" y="15" text-anchor="middle" font-size="6px">
+ ...
+ </text>
+ <text x="190" y="195" text-anchor="end" font-size="6px">
+ \textit{qualifiers}
+ </text>
+ <text x="70" y="130" text-anchor="middle" font-size="20px">
+ ...
+ </text>
+ <text x="175" y="130" text-anchor="middle" font-size="20px">
+ $\mathbb{R}$
+ </text>
+ <rect x="150" y="20" width="10" height="20" fill="orange" />
+ <rect x="140" y="40" width="10" height="20" fill="blue" opacity=".4" />
+ <rect x="150" y="60" width="10" height="20" fill="orange" opacity=".3" />
+ <rect x="20" y="20" width="100" height="160" rx="5" stroke="black" stroke-width=".5" fill="none" />
+ <rect x="140" y="20" width="50" height="160" rx="5" stroke="black" stroke-width=".5" fill="none" />
+ <line x1="20" x2="120" y1="40" y2="40" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="20" x2="120" y1="60" y2="60" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="20" x2="120" y1="80" y2="80" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="140" x2="190" y1="40" y2="40" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="140" x2="190" y1="60" y2="60" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="140" x2="190" y1="80" y2="80" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="150" x2="150" y1="20" y2="180" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
+ <line x1="160" x2="160" y1="20" y2="180" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" />
diff --git a/images/logo.png b/images/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da55d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/lsmr_global_tuning.R b/images/lsmr_global_tuning.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3753e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmr_global_tuning.R
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/lsmr_global_tuning.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+#' Compute the Friedman + Nemenyi analysis with the tsutils package.
+#' @return the tsutils analysis.
+#' @export
+cd_analysis <- function () {
+ `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+ data <- (global_tuning_data
+ %>% dplyr::select (`LSMR local` = lsmr_local, dplyr::everything ())
+ %>% dplyr::select (-dataset))
+ colnames (data) <- toupper (colnames (data))
+ colnames (data) <- gsub ("LOCAL", "local", colnames (data))
+ tsutils::nemenyi (as.matrix (data), plottype = "vmcb")
+## Expects that higher is better. Returns -1 if the first is better,
+## +1 if the second is better, and 0 otherwise.
+paired_test_aux <- function (algo1, algo2) {
+ diff <- algo2 - algo1
+ magnitude <- abs (diff)
+ sorted_magnitude <- sort (magnitude)
+ get_rank <- function (diff) {
+ m <- abs (diff)
+ ok <- which (sorted_magnitude == m)
+ mean (ok)
+ }
+ ranks <- sapply (diff, get_rank)
+ positives <- which (diff > 0)
+ negatives <- which (diff < 0)
+ ties <- which (diff == 0)
+ Rplus <- sum (ranks[positives]) + sum (ranks[ties]) / 2
+ Rminus <- sum (ranks[negatives]) + sum (ranks[ties]) / 2
+ ret <- 0
+ if (Rplus < Rminus) {
+ ret <- -1
+ } else {
+ ret <- +1
+ }
+ T <- min (Rplus, Rminus)
+ N <- length (diff)
+ znum <- (T - (1 / 4) * N * (N + 1))
+ ## ------------------------------
+ zdenom <- sqrt ((1 / 24) * N * (N + 1) * (2 * N + 1))
+ z <- znum / zdenom
+ alpha <- 0.1
+ crit <- qnorm (1 - alpha / 2)
+ if (z >= -crit) {
+ ret <- 0
+ }
+ ret
+paired_test <- function (algo1, algo2) {
+ data <- global_tuning_data
+ algo1 <- data[, algo1 + 1][[1]]
+ algo2 <- data[, algo2 + 1][[1]]
+ paired_test_aux (-algo1, -algo2)
+#' Compute the win / lose / tie matrix for all pairs of algorithms.
+#' @return the matrix with row and column names set to the names of
+#' the algorithms.
+#' @export
+win_lose_tie_paired_tests <- function () {
+ data <- global_tuning_data
+ M <- matrix (0, ncol (data) - 1, ncol (data) - 1)
+ colnames (M) <- toupper (gsub ("_", "\n", colnames (data)[2:ncol (data)], fixed = TRUE))
+ colnames (M) <- gsub ("LOCAL", "local", colnames (M))
+ row.names (M) <- colnames (M)
+ colnames (M) <- gsub ("LSMR\nlocal", "LSMR (l)", colnames (M), fixed = TRUE)
+ for (i in seq_len (ncol (data) - 1)) {
+ for (j in seq_len (ncol (data) - 1)) {
+ M[i, j] <- paired_test (i, j)
+ }
+ }
+ M
+#' Print the plot of the win / lose / tie matrix
+#' @return Org-mode code
+#' @export
+print_win_lose_tie_plot <- function () {
+ M <- win_lose_tie_paired_tests ()
+ data <- reshape2::melt (M, na.rm = TRUE)
+ (ggplot2::ggplot (data = data,
+ ggplot2::aes (Var2, Var1, fill = value))
+ + ggplot2::geom_tile (color = "white")
+ + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2 (low = "blue", high = "red", mid = "#FFFFFF00",
+ midpoint = 0, limit = c (-1, 1), name = "significant test")
+ + ggplot2::theme (legend.position = "none")
+ + ggplot2::theme (axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank ())
+ + ggplot2::theme (axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text (angle=45, hjust=1)))
diff --git a/images/lsmr_local_oes97.R b/images/lsmr_local_oes97.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba51eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmr_local_oes97.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+plot <- print_local_graph ("oes97")
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 4)
diff --git a/images/lsmr_local_osales.R b/images/lsmr_local_osales.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d61c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmr_local_osales.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+plot <- print_local_graph ("osales")
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 4)
diff --git a/images/lsmr_local_scpf.R b/images/lsmr_local_scpf.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a276c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmr_local_scpf.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+plot <- print_local_graph ("scpf")
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 4)
diff --git a/images/lsmr_local_sf2.R b/images/lsmr_local_sf2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6406c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmr_local_sf2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+plot <- print_local_graph ("sf2")
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 4)
diff --git a/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R b/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ad743a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/lsmr_local_tuning.R
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/lsmr_local_tuning.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+#' Construct a linear kernel
+#' @return a linear kernel
+#' @export
+linear_kernel <- function () {
+ ret <- list ()
+ class (ret) <- "linear_kernel"
+ ret
+#' Construct a cosine kernel
+#' @return a cosine kernel
+#' @export
+cosine_kernel <- function () {
+ ret <- list ()
+ class (ret) <- "cosine_kernel"
+ ret
+#' Construct a RBF kernel
+#' @param bandwidth the sigma parameter for the RBF...
+#' @param gamma ... or alternatively the gamma parameter
+#' @return an RBF kernel
+#' @export
+rbf_kernel <- function (bandwidth = NULL, gamma = NULL) {
+ stopifnot (!is.null (bandwidth) || !is.null (gamma))
+ if (is.null (gamma)) {
+ gamma <- 1 / (2 * bandwidth ^ 2)
+ }
+ ret <- list (gamma = gamma)
+ class (ret) <- "rbf_kernel"
+ ret
+#' Construct a Laplacian matrix with binary relations
+#' @param kernel the kernel to compute base similarities
+#' @param quantile used to compute the threshold.
+#' @return a Laplacian matrix generator
+#' @export
+quantile_laplacian <- function (kernel = linear_kernel (), quantile = 0.95) {
+ ret <- list (kernel = kernel, q = quantile)
+ class (ret) <- "quantile_laplacian"
+ ret
+#' Apply a kernel over two data matrices
+#' @param x the kernel to apply
+#' @param U the first data matrix
+#' @param V the second data matrix (may be missing)
+#' @return the kernel matrix
+#' @export
+cache <- function (x, U, V) {
+ UseMethod ("cache", x)
+#' @method cache linear_kernel
+#' @export
+cache.linear_kernel <- function (x, U, V = NULL) {
+ if (is.null (V)) {
+ V <- U
+ }
+ tcrossprod (U, V)
+#' @method cache cosine_kernel
+#' @export
+cache.cosine_kernel <- function (x, U, V = NULL) {
+ if (is.null (V)) {
+ V <- U
+ }
+ num <- tcrossprod (U, V)
+ nu <- sqrt (rowSums (U^2))
+ nv <- sqrt (rowSums (V^2))
+ denom <- tcrossprod (nu, nv)
+ ret <- num / denom
+ ret[denom == 0] <- 1
+ ret
+pdist <- function (U, V = NULL) {
+ if (is.null (V)) {
+ V <- U
+ }
+ rsu <- as.matrix (rowSums (U^2), nrow (U), 1)
+ rsv <- as.matrix (rowSums (V^2), nrow (V), 1)
+ Du <- rsu[, array (1, nrow (V)), drop = FALSE]
+ Dv <- t (rsv[, array (1, nrow (U)), drop = FALSE])
+ D <- Du + Dv - 2 * tcrossprod (U, V)
+ D[D < 0] <- 0
+ D
+#' @method cache rbf_kernel
+#' @export
+cache.rbf_kernel <- function (x, U, V = NULL) {
+ gamma <- x$gamma
+ exp (- gamma * pdist (U, V))
+#' @method cache quantile_laplacian
+#' @export
+cache.quantile_laplacian <- function (x, U, V = NULL) {
+ if (!is.null (V)) {
+ stop ("Cannot apply the Laplacian matrix on two different data matrices")
+ }
+ K <- cache (x$kernel, U)
+ q <- stats::quantile (K[upper.tri (K)], x$q)
+ M <- matrix (0, nrow (K), ncol (K))
+ M[K < q] <- 0
+ M[K >= q] <- 1
+ D <- rowSums (M)
+ diag (D, nrow (K), ncol (K)) - M
+#' Construct a RBF kernel fit for a validation dataset
+#' @param x a validation data matrix
+#' @param y the validation label matrix
+#' @return a RBF kernel
+#' @export
+tune_rbf_kernel <- function (x, y) {
+ B <- cache (cosine_kernel (), t (t (y)))
+ B[B < 0] <- 0
+ b <- t (t (c (B)))
+ D <- pdist (x)
+ candidates <- c (1e-4, 2e-4, 5e-4,
+ 1e-3, 2e-3, 5e-3,
+ 1e-2, 2e-2, 5e-2,
+ 1e-1, 2e-1, 5e-1,
+ 1e+0, 2e+0, 5e+0,
+ 1e+1, 2e+1, 5e+1,
+ 1e+2, 2e+2, 5e+2,
+ 1e+3, 2e+3, 5e+3,
+ 1e+4, 2e+4, 5e+4)
+ alignment <- sapply (candidates, function (gamma) {
+ K <- exp (-gamma * D)
+ k <- t (t (c (K)))
+ alignment <- cache.cosine_kernel (NULL, t (b), t (k))
+ alignment[1, 1]
+ })
+ rbf_kernel (gamma = candidates[which.max (alignment)])
+#' Load the local tuning results.
+#' @return A table with the following columns: 'dataset', 'kernel',
+#' 'bandwidth', 's', 'semi', 'multi', 'armse_sssl', 'armse_semi',
+#' 'armse_multi', 'armse_both'.
+#' @export
+get_local_tuning_data <- function () {
+ local_tuning
+#' Print the results for the local tuning.
+#' @return the data.
+#' @export
+print_tbl_comparison_local <- function () {
+ data <- get_local_tuning_data ()
+ `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+ number <- function (x) {
+ sapply (x, function (x) {
+ if (x <= 1) {
+ sprintf ("*%.3f*", x)
+ } else {
+ sprintf ("%.3f", x)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ summaries <- (data
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (dataset)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (median_sssl = median (armse_sssl),
+ mean = mean (armse_both),
+ median = median (armse_both),
+ q1 = quantile (armse_both, .25),
+ q3 = quantile (armse_both, .75),
+ min = min (armse_both),
+ max = max (armse_both))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (relative_mean = mean / median_sssl,
+ relative_median = median / median_sssl,
+ relative_q1 = q1 / median_sssl,
+ relative_q3 = q3 / median_sssl,
+ relative_min = min / median_sssl,
+ relative_max = max / median_sssl)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`*Données*` = dataset,
+ `Moyenne` = number (relative_mean),
+ `Médiane` = number (relative_median),
+ `Q1` = number (relative_q1),
+ `Q3` = number (relative_q3),
+ `Meilleur` = number (relative_min),
+ `Pire` = number (relative_max))
+ %>% dplyr::select (`*Données*`, `Moyenne`, `Q1`, `Q3`, `Meilleur`, `Pire`)
+ %>% dplyr::arrange (`Meilleur`))
+ summaries
+rescale_log <- function (value, min, max) {
+ log_min <- log (min)
+ log_max <- log (max)
+ log_value <- log_min + value * (log_max - log_min)
+ exp (log_value)
+laps3l_decode_hyper <- function (max_s) {
+ min_bandwidth <- 0.1
+ max_bandwidth <- 300
+ min_semi <- 1e-08
+ max_semi <- 1
+ min_multi <- 1e-04
+ max_multi <- 10000
+ min_s <- 1
+ function (row) {
+ kernel <- NULL
+ row$kernel <- as.character (row$kernel)
+ if (row$kernel == "cosine") {
+ kernel <- cosine_kernel ()
+ }
+ else if (row$kernel == "linear") {
+ kernel <- linear_kernel ()
+ }
+ else {
+ stopifnot (row$kernel == "rbf")
+ bw <- rescale_log (row$bandwidth, min_bandwidth, max_bandwidth)
+ kernel <- rbf_kernel (bw)
+ }
+ list (kernel = kernel,
+ semi = rescale_log (row$semi, min_semi, max_semi),
+ multi = rescale_log (row$multi, min_multi, max_multi),
+ s = round (rescale_log (row$s, min_s, max_s)))
+ }
+#' Print a local graph
+#' @param graph which graph to plot
+#' @return a ggplot object.
+#' @export
+print_local_graph <- function (graph = "atp1d") {
+ max_s <- NA
+ if (graph == "atp1d") {
+ max_s <- 262
+ } else if (graph == "atp7d") {
+ max_s <- 234
+ } else if (graph == "edm") {
+ max_s <- 121
+ } else if (graph == "enb") {
+ max_s <- 601
+ } else if (graph == "jura") {
+ max_s <- 281
+ } else if (graph == "oes10") {
+ max_s <- 314
+ } else if (graph == "oes97") {
+ max_s <- 257
+ } else if (graph == "osales") {
+ max_s <- 495
+ } else if (graph == "sarcossub") {
+ max_s <- 779
+ } else if (graph == "scpf") {
+ max_s <- 889
+ } else if (graph == "sf1") {
+ max_s <- 250
+ } else if (graph == "sf2") {
+ max_s <- 832
+ } else if (graph == "wq") {
+ max_s <- 827
+ } else {
+ stop ("Unknown dataset")
+ }
+ d <- laps3l_decode_hyper (max_s)
+ decode_row <- function (data, i) {
+ row <- data[i,]
+ row$kernel <- "linear"
+ row$s <- 0
+ items <- d (row)
+ data$semi[i] <- items$semi
+ data$multi[i] <- items$multi
+ data[i,]
+ }
+ decode <- function (data) {
+ (rbind, lapply (seq_len (nrow (data)), function (i) decode_row (data, i)))
+ }
+ smooth <- function (data) {
+ X <- as.matrix (cbind (data$semi, data$multi))
+ y <- t (t (data$relative_armse))
+ D <- as.matrix (dist (X, diag = T, upper = T))
+ M <- 0 * D
+ M[D < 0.1] <- 1
+ sum <- rowSums (M)
+ M <- diag (1 / sum, nrow (X), nrow (X)) %*% M
+ data$relative_armse <- M %*% y
+ data
+ }
+ data <- get_local_tuning_data ()
+ `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+ armse_sssl_median <- median ((data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset == graph)
+ %>% dplyr::select (armse_sssl))$armse_sssl, na.rm = TRUE)
+ relative_data <- (data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset == graph)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (relative_armse = armse_both / armse_sssl_median)
+ %>% dplyr::select (semi, multi, relative_armse))
+ averaged <- smooth (relative_data)
+ intp <- with (averaged,
+ akima::interp (x = semi,
+ y = multi,
+ z = relative_armse,
+ duplicate = "mean"))
+ values <- (as.matrix (intp$z))
+ colnames (values) <- intp$y
+ intp <- (tidyr::gather (cbind (values, semi = intp$x),
+ multi, armse, seq_len (ncol (intp$z)),
+ na.rm = TRUE)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (multi = as.numeric (multi)))
+ interpolated <- (intp %>% decode ())
+ (ggplot2::ggplot (interpolated, ggplot2::aes (x = semi, y = multi, fill = armse))
+ + ggplot2::geom_tile ()
+ + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2 (midpoint = 1, name = "aRMSE\nrelative")
+ + ggplot2::xlab ("Régulariseur semi-supervisé $\\alpha$")
+ + ggplot2::ylab ("Régulariseur multi-label $\\beta$")
+ + ggplot2::scale_x_log10 ()
+ + ggplot2::scale_y_log10 ())
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+ 1) RSMS
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+ À chaque époque :
+ </text>
+ <text x="25" y="118">
+ 1 itération pour
+ </text>
+ <text x="25" y="124">
+ chaque minibatch
+ </text>
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+ Variables
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+ 2) LSMR
+ </text>
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+ stroke="SlateGray" stroke-width=".2" />
+ <g font-size="7" text-anchor="end">
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+ aRMSE trop élevée
+ </text>
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+ Sélectionné
+ </text>
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+ <text x="130" y="39"> $Y$ </text>
+ <text x="155" y="39"> $L$ </text>
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+ Apprentissage
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="72" font-size="5">
+ Validation
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="92" font-size="5">
+ Hors du sac
+ </text>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="97" y="112" font-size="5">
+ (Out Of Bag)
+ </text>
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+ Faire
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+ varier :
+ </text>
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+ - échan
+ </text>
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+ - hyper
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+ tillons
+ </text>
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+ paramètres
+ </text>
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+ </text>
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+ </text>
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+ Modèle
+ </text>
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+ 3) Stacking
+ </text>
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+ Par qualifier (indiv. pertinents) :
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+ <g font-size="5" text-anchor="middle" fill="DimGray">
+ <text x="22.5" y="200">?</text>
+ <text x="22.5" y="206">O</text>
+ <text x="22.5" y="212">O</text>
+ <text x="22.5" y="218">B</text>
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+ </g>
+ <text fill="DimGray" x="95" y="220" text-anchor="middle" font-size="10">
+ ...
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+ $W$ : modèle
+ </text>
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+ Ridge
+ </text>
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+ (avec imputation par la moyenne)
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+ Sortie
+ </text>
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+ RSMS : variables
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="255" font-size="5" fill="DimGray">
+ LSMR : modèles bootstrap
+ </text>
+ <text x="125" y="280" font-size="5" fill="DimGray">
+ Stacking : modèle Ridge
+ </text>
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+ style="fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ id="path4880" />
+ <path
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ d="M 552.427 148.117 C 584.947,157.617 601.207,160.783 633.727,160.783 C 666.247,160.783 682.507,157.617 715.027,148.117"
+ id="path4882" />
+ <text
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+ x="633.72699"
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+ <tspan
+ x="633.72699"
+ y="183.40976"
+ id="tspan4884">Modèle</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <text
+ font-size="12.7998"
+ style="font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:12.79979992px;font-family:sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
+ x="633.72699"
+ y="199.40976"
+ id="text4888">
+ <tspan
+ x="633.72699"
+ y="199.40976"
+ id="tspan4886">stacking</tspan>
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4926">
+ <g
+ id="g4898">
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ y="338.287"
+ id="text4896">
+ <tspan
+ x="451.715"
+ y="338.287"
+ id="tspan4894">LSMR</tspan>
+ </text>
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+ <g
+ id="g4906">
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ y="316.737"
+ id="text4904">
+ <tspan
+ x="451.715"
+ y="316.737"
+ id="tspan4902">LSMR</tspan>
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4914">
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ id="polygon4908" />
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+ x="451.715"
+ y="300.11615"
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+ <tspan
+ x="451.715"
+ y="300.11615"
+ id="tspan4910">LSMR</tspan>
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <path
+ style="fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
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+ id="path4916" />
+ <path
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ d="M 365.565 148.117 C 400.025,157.617 417.255,160.783 451.715,160.783 C 486.175,160.783 503.405,157.617 537.865,148.117"
+ id="path4918" />
+ <text
+ font-size="12.7998"
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+ x="451.715"
+ y="181.76672">
+ <tspan
+ x="451.715"
+ y="181.76672"
+ id="tspan4920">Modèles</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <text
+ font-size="12.7998"
+ style="font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:12.79979992px;font-family:sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
+ x="451.715"
+ y="197.76672">
+ <tspan
+ x="451.715"
+ y="197.76672"
+ id="tspan4922">bootstrap</tspan>
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4946">
+ <path
+ style="fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ x="256.414"
+ y="313.17868"
+ id="text4934">
+ <tspan
+ x="256.414"
+ y="313.17868"
+ id="tspan4930">Reconnaissance</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <text
+ font-size="12.8"
+ style="font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:12.80000019px;font-family:sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
+ x="256.414"
+ y="329.17868"
+ id="text4934">
+ <tspan
+ x="256.414"
+ y="329.17868"
+ id="tspan4932">des variables</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <path
+ style="fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ d="M 168.914 148.117 C 203.914,138.617 221.414,135.45 256.414,135.45 C 291.414,135.45 308.914,138.617 343.914,148.117 L 343.914,198.783 C 308.914,208.283 291.414,211.45 256.414,211.45 C 221.414,211.45 203.914,208.283 168.914,198.783 L 168.914,148.117z"
+ id="path4936" />
+ <path
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ d="M 168.914 148.117 C 203.914,157.617 221.414,160.783 256.414,160.783 C 291.414,160.783 308.914,157.617 343.914,148.117"
+ id="path4938" />
+ <text
+ font-size="12.7998"
+ style="font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:12.79979992px;font-family:sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
+ x="256.414"
+ y="181.47302"
+ id="text4944">
+ <tspan
+ x="256.414"
+ y="181.47302"
+ id="tspan4940">Variables</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <text
+ font-size="12.7998"
+ style="font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:12.79979992px;font-family:sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
+ x="256.414"
+ y="197.47302"
+ id="text4944">
+ <tspan
+ x="256.414"
+ y="197.47302"
+ id="tspan4942">sélectionnées</tspan>
+ </text>
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4952">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ points="160.518,312.837 150.518,317.837 153.018,312.837 150.518,307.837 "
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+ <g
+ id="g4958">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="403.582,312.837 393.582,317.837 396.082,312.837 393.582,307.837 "
+ id="polygon4956" />
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+ <g
+ id="g4964">
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 342.57075,302.26155 396.229,292.97198"
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+ inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="403.615,291.674 394.632,298.33 396.229,292.972 392.901,288.48 "
+ id="polygon4962" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4970">
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 342.33603,323.41344 396.229,332.702"
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+ inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" />
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+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="403.615,334 392.901,337.194 396.229,332.702 394.632,327.345 "
+ id="polygon4968" />
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+ id="g4976">
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+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
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+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="583.632,304.906 572.973,308.281 576.225,303.733 574.537,298.404 "
+ id="polygon4974" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4982">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ x1="497.613"
+ y1="312.837"
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+ y2="312.837"
+ id="line4978" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="575.096,312.837 565.096,317.837 567.596,312.837 565.096,307.837 "
+ id="polygon4980" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4988">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ x1="497.613"
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+ id="line4984" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="583.632,320.768 574.537,327.271 576.225,321.941 572.973,317.394 "
+ id="polygon4986" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4994">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ x1="690.121"
+ y1="312.837"
+ x2="728.034"
+ y2="312.837"
+ id="line4990" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="735.534,312.837 725.534,317.837 728.034,312.837 725.534,307.837 "
+ id="polygon4992" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g5000">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ x1="256.414"
+ y1="211.45"
+ x2="256.414"
+ y2="278.101"
+ id="line4996" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="256.414,285.601 251.414,275.601 256.414,278.101 261.414,275.601 "
+ id="polygon4998" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g5006">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ x1="451.715"
+ y1="211.45"
+ x2="451.715"
+ y2="245.038"
+ id="line5002" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="451.715,252.538 446.715,242.538 451.715,245.038 456.715,242.538 "
+ id="polygon5004" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g5012">
+ <line
+ style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ x1="633.727"
+ y1="211.45"
+ x2="633.727"
+ y2="254.308"
+ id="line5008" />
+ <polygon
+ style="fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000"
+ fill-rule="evenodd"
+ points="633.727,261.808 628.727,251.808 633.727,254.308 638.727,251.808 "
+ id="polygon5010" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/images/nemenyi.R b/images/nemenyi.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e4729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/nemenyi.R
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/lsmr_global_tuning.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+print_win_lose_tie_plot ()
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+svg (filename, width = 5, height = 5)
+cd_analysis () ()
diff --git a/images/rsms_1.R b/images/rsms_1.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df07a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/rsms_1.R
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/rsms_test.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+Sys.setlocale ("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
+#' Print the graphs for the features.
+#' @return the graph.
+#' @export
+features_graph <- function () {
+ library ("magrittr")
+ data <- (test
+ %>% dplyr::filter (frac_labeled == 0.3,
+ frac_labels == 1,
+ algorithm %in% c ("formulas", "mifs", "rfs", "sfus"),
+ dataset %in% c ("atp1d", "atp7d", "edm", "enb", "oes10", "oes97", "osales", "scpf", "sf1", "sf2", "wq"),
+ ! (error))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "formulas", "\\textbf{RSMS}", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "mifs", "MIFS", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "rfs", "RFS", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (algorithm == "sfus", "SFUS", algorithm))
+ %>% dplyr::select (dataset, algorithm, frac_features, error)
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (dataset, algorithm, frac_features)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (n = dplyr::n (),
+ mean = mean (error),
+ sd = sd (error),
+ min = min (error),
+ max = max (error),
+ median = median (error),
+ q1 = quantile (error, 0.25),
+ q3 = quantile (error, 0.75))
+ %>% dplyr::ungroup ())
+ arrange <- function (...) {
+ gridExtra::grid.arrange (..., layout_matrix = rbind (
+ c (1, 2, 3),
+ c (4, 5, 6),
+ c (7, 8, 9),
+ c (10, 11, 11)
+ ))
+ }
+ (arrange, lapply ((data
+ %>% dplyr::select (dataset)
+ %>% dplyr::distinct ())$dataset, function (dataset_name) {
+ with_legend <- (data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset == dataset_name)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (ymin = mean - sd, ymax = max + sd)
+ %>% dplyr::select (Algorithme = algorithm,
+ `Variables` = frac_features,
+ `aRMSE moyenne` = mean, ymin, ymax)
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `Variables`,
+ y = `aRMSE moyenne`,
+ color = Algorithme,
+ linetype = Algorithme))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::ggtitle (dataset_name)
+ + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous (labels = scales::percent)
+ + ggplot2::scale_color_manual (limits = c ("\\textbf{RSMS}", "MIFS", "SFUS", "RFS"),
+ values = c ("black", "#e69f00", "#56b4e9", "#009e73"))
+ + ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual (limits = c ("\\textbf{RSMS}", "MIFS", "SFUS", "RFS"),
+ values = c ("solid", "dashed", "longdash", "dotdash")))
+ if (dataset_name == "wq") {
+ with_legend
+ } else {
+ with_legend + ggplot2::theme (legend.position = "none")
+ }
+ }))
+plot <- features_graph ()
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 8)
diff --git a/images/rsms_2.R b/images/rsms_2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be2cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/rsms_2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/rsms_test.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+Sys.setlocale ("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
+#' Print the graphs for label selection
+#' @return the graph.
+#' @export
+labels_graph <- function () {
+ library ("magrittr")
+ data <- (test
+ %>% dplyr::filter (frac_labeled == 0.3,
+ frac_features == 0.3,
+ algorithm == "formulas",
+ dataset %in% c ("atp1d", "atp7d", "edm", "enb", "oes10", "oes97", "osales", "scpf", "sf1", "sf2", "wq"),
+ ! (error))
+ %>% dplyr::select (dataset, frac_labels, error)
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (dataset, frac_labels)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (n = dplyr::n (),
+ mean = mean (error),
+ sd = sd (error),
+ min = min (error),
+ max = max (error),
+ median = median (error),
+ q1 = quantile (error, 0.25),
+ q3 = quantile (error, 0.75))
+ %>% dplyr::ungroup ())
+ arrange <- function (...) {
+ gridExtra::grid.arrange (..., layout_matrix = rbind (
+ c (1, 2, 3),
+ c (4, 5, 6),
+ c (7, 8, 9),
+ c (10, 11, 11)
+ ))
+ }
+ (arrange, lapply ((data
+ %>% dplyr::select (dataset)
+ %>% dplyr::distinct ())$dataset, function (dataset_name) {
+ with_legend <- (data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset == dataset_name)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (ymin = mean - sd, ymax = max + sd)
+ %>% dplyr::select (`Labels sélectionnées` = frac_labels,
+ `aRMSE moyenne` = mean, ymin, ymax)
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `Labels sélectionnées`,
+ y = `aRMSE moyenne`))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::ggtitle (dataset_name)
+ + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous (labels = scales::percent))
+ if (dataset_name == "wq") {
+ with_legend
+ } else {
+ with_legend + ggplot2::theme (legend.position = "none")
+ }
+ }))
+plot <- labels_graph ()
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 8)
diff --git a/images/rsms_3.R b/images/rsms_3.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a77e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/rsms_3.R
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/rsms_test.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+Sys.setlocale ("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
+#' Print the graphs for the interest of label selection
+#' @return the graph.
+#' @export
+with_labels_graph <- function () {
+ library ("magrittr")
+ lower_number <- tibble::tibble (
+ dataset =
+ c ("atp1d",
+ "atp7d",
+ "edm",
+ "enb",
+ "oes10",
+ "oes97",
+ "osales",
+ "scpf",
+ "sf1",
+ "sf2",
+ "wq"),
+ frac_labeled_restricted =
+ c (0.8,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.6,
+ 0.6,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.6,
+ 0.6,
+ 0.6,
+ 0.8))
+ data <- (test
+ %>% dplyr::filter (frac_labeled == 0.3,
+ algorithm == "formulas",
+ dataset %in% c ("atp1d", "atp7d", "edm", "enb", "oes10", "oes97", "osales", "scpf", "sf1", "sf2", "wq"),
+ ! (error))
+ %>% dplyr::inner_join (lower_number)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (full = (frac_labels == 1),
+ restricted = (frac_labels == frac_labeled_restricted))
+ %>% dplyr::filter (full | restricted)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (algorithm = ifelse (full, "RSMS (tous labels)", "RSMS (restreint)"))
+ %>% dplyr::select (dataset, frac_features, algorithm, error)
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (dataset, frac_features, algorithm)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (n = dplyr::n (),
+ mean = mean (error),
+ sd = sd (error),
+ min = min (error),
+ max = max (error),
+ median = median (error),
+ q1 = quantile (error, 0.25),
+ q3 = quantile (error, 0.75))
+ %>% dplyr::ungroup ())
+ arrange <- function (...) {
+ gridExtra::grid.arrange (..., layout_matrix = rbind (
+ c (1, 2, 3),
+ c (4, 5, 6),
+ c (7, 8, 9),
+ c (10, 11, 11)
+ ))
+ }
+ (arrange, lapply ((data
+ %>% dplyr::select (dataset)
+ %>% dplyr::distinct ())$dataset, function (dataset_name) {
+ with_legend <- (data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset == dataset_name)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (ymin = mean - sd, ymax = max + sd)
+ %>% dplyr::select (Algorithme = algorithm,
+ `Variables` = frac_features,
+ `aRMSE moyenne` = mean, ymin, ymax)
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `Variables`,
+ y = `aRMSE moyenne`,
+ color = Algorithme,
+ linetype = Algorithme))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::ggtitle (dataset_name)
+ + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous (labels = scales::percent)
+ + ggplot2::scale_color_manual (limits = c ("RSMS (restreint)", "RSMS (tous labels)"),
+ values = c ("black", "#e69f00", "#56b4e9", "#009e73"))
+ + ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual (limits = c ("RSMS (restreint)", "RSMS (tous labels)"),
+ values = c ("solid", "dashed", "longdash", "dotdash")))
+ if (dataset_name == "wq") {
+ with_legend
+ } else {
+ with_legend + ggplot2::theme (legend.position = "none")
+ }
+ }))
+plot <- with_labels_graph ()
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 8)
diff --git a/images/rsms_4.R b/images/rsms_4.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94045d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/rsms_4.R
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+load (sprintf ("%s/data/rsms_protocol_4.Rdata", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+Sys.setlocale ("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
+#' Print the convergence graphs
+#' @return the graphs
+#' @export
+convergence_graph <- function () {
+ library ("magrittr")
+ data <- (protocol_4
+ %>% dplyr::group_by (dataset, maxiter)
+ %>% dplyr::summarize (mloss = mean (loss),
+ sloss = sd (loss))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (dataset,
+ `Nombre d'itérations` = maxiter,
+ `Coût` = mloss,
+ mini = mloss - sloss,
+ maxi = mloss + sloss))
+ arrange <- function (...) {
+ gridExtra::grid.arrange (..., layout_matrix = rbind (
+ c (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3),
+ c (4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6),
+ c (7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9),
+ c (10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11)
+ ))
+ }
+ (arrange, lapply (c ("atp1d", "atp7d", "edm", "enb", "oes10", "oes97", "osales", "scpf", "sf1", "sf2", "wq"), function (dataset_name) {
+ (data
+ %>% dplyr::filter (dataset == dataset_name)
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = `Nombre d'itérations`,
+ y = `Coût`,
+ ymin = mini,
+ ymax = maxi))
+ + ggplot2::geom_line ()
+ + ggplot2::geom_ribbon (alpha = 0.2)
+ + ggplot2::ggtitle (dataset_name))
+ }))
+plot <- convergence_graph ()
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 6, height = 8)
diff --git a/images/twomoons.R b/images/twomoons.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c825abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/twomoons.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+t <- seq (0, 1, length.out = 101)
+labeled <- c (rep (0, 100), 1)
+upper_x <- cos (t * pi) + 0.5
+upper_y <- sin (t * pi)
+lower_x <- -upper_x
+lower_y <- -upper_y
+`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
+data <- (tibble::tibble (x = upper_x, y = upper_y,
+ label = c (rep ("unlabeled", 100), "+"),
+ `semi-supervised solution` = "+")
+ %>% rbind (tibble::tibble (x = lower_x, y = lower_y,
+ label = c (rep ("unlabeled", 100), "-"),
+ `semi-supervised solution` = "-"))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (noise_x = 0.1 * rnorm (dplyr::n ()),
+ noise_y = 0.1 * rnorm (dplyr::n ()))
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (x = x + noise_x, y = y + noise_y)
+ %>% dplyr::mutate (`naive solution` = ifelse (x <= 0, "+", "-")))
+scales <- function (plot) {
+ (plot
+ + ggplot2::scale_size_manual (values = c ("unlabeled" = 1, "+" = 3, "-" = 3))
+ + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual (values = c ("+" = 16, "-" = 17, "unlabeled" = 3))
+ + ggplot2::scale_color_manual (values = c ("+" = "#E69F00", "-" = "#56B4E9", "unlabeled" = "#009E73"))
+ + ggplot2::theme_void ()
+ + ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none")
+ + ggplot2::coord_fixed ())
+question <- ((data
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, shape = label, color = label, size = label))
+ + ggplot2::geom_point ())
+ %>% scales ())
+naive_answer <- ((data
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, shape = `naive solution`, color = `naive solution`))
+ + ggplot2::geom_point ()
+ + ggplot2::geom_vline (xintercept = 0))
+ %>% scales ())
+semi_supervised_answer <- ((data
+ %>% ggplot2::ggplot (ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, shape = `semi-supervised solution`, color = `semi-supervised solution`))
+ + ggplot2::geom_point ())
+ %>% scales ())
+plot <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob (question, gridExtra::arrangeGrob (naive_answer, semi_supervised_answer, ncol = 2), nrow = 2)
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 3.5, height = 3.5)
diff --git a/images/wilcoxon.R b/images/wilcoxon.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d197e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/wilcoxon.R
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source (sprintf ("%s/images/lsmr_global_tuning.R", Sys.getenv ("ABS_TOP_SRCDIR")))
+print_win_lose_tie_plot ()
+plot <- print_win_lose_tie_plot ()
+filename <- Sys.getenv ("OUTPUT")
+ggplot2::ggsave (filename, plot, device = "svg", width = 5, height = 5)